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The moonlight was so close to shinning it's brightest, but not yet. In two days time it would call me, yet I hd nothing to show it. My stone was missing, and I was getting weaker still. I've searched for months, but it's hard when you have no idea where it went.

Now I'm almost just a human.

King Boomer and King Brady stroll in, eating ice cream. Mason and Mikayla have been waiting for them for quite some time, to talk about what will happen in two days.

"My kings-"

"Mason! You gotta try this." Bomer exclaims and holds his cone up to Mason's face.

"We can share one." Brady leans in to Mikayla, who rolls her eyes and pushes his treat away.

"Maybe later. We need to talk about what will happen in two days." Mason reminds them.

"Yeah. The Moon festival is a very old and celebrated festival. It started when-" Mikayla is cut off when Brady and Boomer groan.

"Skip the history lesson." Brady demands.

"Yeah, when do we get to part-ay?" Boomer asks, doing a circlualr motion with his hands, a dance move.

"The part only makes sense if you know what it's for. Otherwise it's just a celebration on the full moon of May." Mikayla exclaims.

"She's right, history is what created the event, and it's why there is a festival in the first place. Malia." Mason comments, gesturing to me.

"Why her?" Brady asks.

"I'm good at telling stories. Sit, my kings." I say and they slump on the couch, but Boomer's ice cream falls and lands on Brady's pants. They laugh and Brady throws the ice cream on his brother. Before a fight breaks out I use a cloth to clean it up and stare them down until they pay attention, Mikayla and Mason alongside me.

"Long ago, one of the first kings of Kinkow was in need of assitance. Seeking help from a trusted shaman they made a long journey into Mount Spew, seeking something that would assist the king in keeping the light side dominant. It was a time when the dark side was still trying to get bigger, with many evil rulers hiding among the trees. The shaman finally decidesd to create a new creature, one as superior and cunning as their own species was. Out of stone they crafted a human body, using the moon's powers to bring it to life, and soon the Moon Protector was alive. It was agile and clever, protecting the light side and the king. We celebrate it's birthday, the full moon of May." I say, using hand gestures to make it interesting.

"Wait, you mean to tell me that some moon person is supposed to be protecting us?" Boomer asks.

"Well, we don't know exactly what happened to it. It just disappeared a few years ago, and every Moon festival has no blue moon, the one sign that says it was still her. We think it finally met it's match and was destroyed." Mikayla explains.

"So something out there is as bad as this other thing was good?" Brady asks.

"Nothing of the sort has been known to exsist." I comment.

"So, now the protector of the kings and the light side is gone?" Brady asks.

"We aren't sure yet." Mason states.

"Have you tried looking for it?" Boomer asks.

"On this years festival we plan on performing a summoning ritual. The shaman found an old writing that the king wrote who made it. It can be used to call it when needed." Mikayla informs them.

"Why don't we just call this thing up now?" Brady asks, standing up with his brother.

"We think that it would be better during the festival." Mason says, and a guard speaks to him. They walk off and Boomer walks away from the couch.

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