Chapter 25.

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Stranger's point of view in this chapter.

Looking in on the room, a girl lay in bed. Her skin pale and her body frail as she was hooked up to an array of machines, each helping different parts of her function.

A boy, around the same age as the girl, sat in the room, also pale. He was grasping her hand as if he let go that she'd disappear.

Two adults, a woman being comforted by a man, sat in the far corner, looking on from a distance. The woman, quietly sobbing, clung to the man like he was the only thing left in her life. The man held the woman, his arm around her whilst the other hand stroked her hair as he whispered soothing words into her ear. He was less upset, the first giveaway that he wasn't a close relation of the girl, the other was the fact that he looked on, almost indifferently.

The three were silent, the only noise coming from the room was the steady beep of a heart monitor and the noise of a machine helping the girl breathe.

Doctors spoke in hushed whispers outside the room, nurses listening in.

It was as if all life had ceased inside the room.

It was somewhat scary, how the world continued busily everywhere but that room.

Moments later, a doctor entered the room.

Mark's Point Of View.

Her doctor entered the room, his face solemn.

"Her cancer has taken a turn for the worse and she's fallen into this coma," he spoke, looking at us,"there's no telling when she could come out of it. It could be a day, a month, ten years. Nobody knows."

"But, there's a chance she'll wake up, right?" The boy, Chris, asked.

He had turned up after school and hadn't moved since, he was so worried, it was painful to watch such a young person in so much pain. Even if I had seen Olivia in pain and hadn't recognised it, I realised then how awful it must have been.

"Yes, but it's a very slim chance at that," the doctor said,"now, though I've said she could wake up in a month or even ten years, we don't have the time or facilities to take care of her that long."

"What are you saying?" I asked, partially not wanting to know.

"Well, she has until the end of the week and if there's no response," he said, taking a deep breath,"we turn off life support."

I gasped, squeezing Mary as a fresh wave of tears hit her.

I saw Chris stiffen before he got up and walked out, his posture giving away that he was angry.

I sighed, I can't believe this.


oh hey look who's back.

okay yeah I've got like one more chapter to write and it's done. Sorry guys. :c


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