Chapter 11.

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I grabbed my new Jimmy Eat World CD and sat at my laptop, ready to transfer it to my iPod.

I opened the case and took out the disc when a piece of paper fell out.

'Call me...

Jonah x'

Was written in half chicken scratch half delicate cursive letters.

My eyes widened as I rubbed the writing on the page- yes, this was definitely a phone number.

I pulled out my phone and texted Katie.

Me: Katie! Emergency! Call me. NOW!

Within seconds she replied.

Katie: aye aye cap'n!

Then, moments later, she called me to which I accepted.

"KATIE!" I whisper yelled down the phone.

"What's the emergency?!" She asked frantically.

"Senior! Phone number! Jonah! Swoon!" I breathed.

"What?" She asked, clearly confused.

"You know that senior called Jonah? He gave me his number and told me to call him," I said in one breath.

"OHMYGODCALLHIM!" She squealed.

"Are you sure it doesn't seem too forward?" I asked, suddenly scared.

"No, oh my God, you have to call him right away! Then call me after!" She squealed,"do it!"

"Okay," I breathed,"okay... I'll do it now and call you after."

"Good! See you!" She said happily.

"Bye," I replied before hanging up.

I sighed and tuned the slip of paper over in my hand a few times.

Call him, my mind hissed.

I sucked in a deep breath as I put his number into my phone as 'Jonah'. Yeah, I'm so creative, huh?

I clicked on his name and it began to ring.

"Hello?" I heard his voice say.

It sounded smooth and relaxed.

"H-" I began but was cut off by Mark.

"OLIVIA! DINNER!" He yelled and I scowled.

"Hi, it's uh, Olivia... From-" I began.

"From the CD store!" He said.

He remembered me?

"Yeah," I smiled,"er, I called at the worst possible time wow I'm sorry, uh, yeah... Well... Now you have my number... I gotta go for dinner."

"Ah, okay," he chuckled,"no worries, I'll call you later!"

"Uh, cool," I smiled, feeling my tummy buzz with excitement,"talk to you later."

"Later," I heard him chuckle before hanging up.

I let out a breath I didn't know I been holding and held my phone to my heart for a moment before putting it on my dresser and going down stairs.

"Finally," he muttered and placed a bowl of noodles and chicken in front of me.

"Thanks," I said politely and ate quietly.

"What did you do yesterday after you left?" He asked, trying to strike up conversation.

I shrugged,"nothing."

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