Chapter 24.

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The night passed in a blur of me going in and out of consciousness.

My view came and went as I heard Mark yelling at someone and heavy footsteps sounded near the door- next thing I knew I was lifted and brought outside, where I saw hazy blue lights flashing. Then, it went black again.

I awoke in the ambulance a little, Mark sitting next to me, his hand holding onto the stretcher railing tightly.

"Olivia, can you hear me?" A paramedic asked.

I groaned slightly, the pain in my head unbelievable.

"Olivia! Olivia, stay awake!" A flashlight was shone into my eyes.

I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting any more pain.

"Olivia, can you squeeze my hand?" A woman's voice asked, but it went black again.

The next time I woke up I was moving very fast, lights flashing above my head every second, followed by a moment of not so bright ceiling.

I was on a gurney, doctors were t

yelling at people to get out of the way, to page someone and then the bed was rammed through double doors and into a restricted area, where I could have sworn I heard Chris' voice yell my name.

And again, it was dark.


I woke again, but this time it was... weird.

I felt like I was floating.

The pain was gone.

I smiled to myself and sat up, looking around the room.

I was in the hospital, but it was a lot quieter and brighter. There was no beeping and that was pleasant. I liked silence.

I stood and left the room in search of someone, anyone.

"Hi!" I grinned as, finally, about what felt like ten minutes into my search, I found a nurse behind her counter.

"Hi dear," she smiled,"my name is Nenagh."

"That's a really pretty name," I smiled,"but, where did the man who came with me go?"

Her face dropped, the smile turning into a morbid frown,"I'm afraid I can't help you. You need to find out yourself."


"Wait, why?" I asked, trying to get her attention as she walked into a back room.

I frowned and looked at myself- hadn't I been wearing a hospital gown before?

I shook my head and ignored the thought before walking down a flight of stairs and out of the exit.

The street was normal, cars drove past and people walked either in couples, groups, with kids or on their own.

I made my way to an animal crossing and waited with someone next to me.

She stood out in front of a speeding car that had no chance of stopping on time for her to live.

I stepped out and pushed her, yelling watch out! as I did so-

But I was in the cars way.

I braced myself, tightening myself up and thinking how glad I was to be in front of a hospital.

I waited for impact, a smack or a bang with a creak of metal for good measure like what happened in the superhero movies.

But it never came.

I opened my eyes as I felt an uneasiness in my body- the car was going through me.


I must be in some kind of weird sedative dream.

I put my hands to my gut and felt it was solid. Why did a car drive through me?

What the fuck was going on here?

I made the trip back to my house and walked inside.

"Mum? Joe? Hello?!" I yelled out with no answer.

I went to the kitchen where my mum was sitting... crying?

"Mum?" I asked.

I walked to her and tried to rest my hand on her shoulder, but it went straight through her.

"What the fuck?" I muttered, studying my hand.

I, once again, tried to put my arms around her but to no avail, and I watched her visibly shiver.

"Someone stepped in my grave," she muttered to herself.

Then, Mark walked in and looked straight through me and to my mum. He also shivered, but ignored it and crouched in front of her.

What the fuck is going on?

"Don't worry, she'll be play," he said her, wrapping his arms around her.

"Hello? What's going on?" I asked, trying to tap my mum's shoulder.

"She's here," she murmured,"I can feel her."

"It'll be okay," Mark said to her as the scene faded away.

Right before it totally diminished, she saw me.

She looked straight into my eyes.


I then appeared to be in Chris' house, where his family were sitting around the dinner table. His mum, dad and Patrick were quietly sitting, Patrick pushing his food around his plate whilst his patents ate sparsely.

I then ascended the stairs to Chris' bedroom, managing to get through the locked door.

There he was.

He had lost a bit of weight and was just lying there on his bed, his clothes slightly baggy on his less that usual built frame. The thing that pulled on my heart strings the most was that he was crying and whispering to himself.

"You have to wake up," he muttered. tears in his eyes,"wake up. Please."

After a while of watching him, he cried himself to sleep, his breath coming out in weak hiccups.

I cried with him, pressed a kiss to his cheek and found myself back at hospital again.

I have to wake up.


It's been over 3 weeks, I'm sorry! I just have so little written and so little energy and so many exams coming up ugh.

idk what to do tho bc maths is hard as frick and ???

Screw it.

~Jane xø

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