Chapter 12.

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*So yeah I've decided to skip forward the three weeks because I'm deciding nothing has happened and now Olivia's mom and Joe are home from Florida okay!*

I sat in the car, my arms folded firmly across my chest.

The past three weeks whilst mum was gone had been torture.

Mark got on my every nerve and that's not just being a 'hormonal teen'. That's Mark being on his high horse.

We had, however, come to a mutual agreement that we would just ignore each other around the house to keep the peace. Well. When I say we, I mean Mark said it. By no means did I agree. I just. Grunted. You know?

So here we were, on the highway to the airport.

I decided I'd go along with being... Civil towards Mark for a little while seeing as it might be me who was kicked out.

We took a left turn off the highway and took a slip road off to the airport.

It was almost 10am, when her flight was to arrive.

"Okay, out of the car we go," he said chirpily.

He had been oddly happy the past couple of days. Why? I had no idea, but I had to admit, I was happy to get to see my mum and baby brother.

I had had a strange feeling in my gut the past couple of hours but I put it down to being excited to seeing my mum again.

Jonah had asked me out a week after I got his number. We were a 'thing' now. I still hung out with Chris and everybody, much to Jonah's annoyance. I did it behind his back though, my excuse was always hanging with Robin.

We walked through the huge, noisy crowd to the arrivals where my mum should have been soon.

Mark stood staring at the doorway which was to open soon (hopefully) as I walked off to buy a cooler from costa.

Yes, I bought from Costa rather than Starbucks.

I paid for my berry cooler and wandered back over to Mark.

I arrived just on time for the doors to open and for people to slowly start to come out to the main area.

Katie and her family came out looking tired.

Then, the moment I'd been waiting three weeks for, a very tanned version of my mum and brother walked out with their carry-on luggage.

My mum's face brightened up when she saw us and she came running to us. It crushed me when she ran into Mark's arms and not to me, however, Joe ran to me and clung to my waist.

"Hey buddy!" I grinned and hoisted him onto my hip, placing a kiss on his cheek,"what's up?"

"Oh my gosh, the holiday was great. Mum took so many pictures!" He rambled.

I chuckled and turned to see mum and Mark break their embrace.

Then my heart broke.

Mark got down on one knee.

Mum's hands went to her mouth.

Mark pulled a blue velvet box from his pocket.

Mum let out a small shriek.

Passers by stopped to watch.

Mark spoke,"Amelia Greene, I've known you a year, and what a year it has been."


He continued,"it's been the best time of my life, I love you, I love your family. I love Joe and heck, I even love Olivia. But you're the only one for me, and you're the only one I'm capable of loving with all my heart. So, Amelia, will you marry me?"

"Oh my gosh," my mum sobbed,"y- yes! Oh gosh I love you!"

Tears fell down her cheeks.

I dropped my cup in shock, leaving a huge red splatter on the ground, before turning and trying to run, but just my luck- the crowd was thick and looked to have no intentions of moving until this little scene finished.

I looked to Katie with tears in my eyes. She looked at me with a sad look on her face. A sorry look.

I was crushed. My life was over.

Joe tapped me lightly and looked at me. He looked confused... Or unhappy.

He was pulling the baby sibling move. He always mimicked what I did because he thought it was right.

I forced a smile at him, knowing it didn't reach my eyes.

He smiled back, only his was genuine.

I felt Joe leave my side and run to them, smiling up at them as he gripped onto one of each their legs.

I let out a shaky breath, even though I could feel myself fall into a depression, I stepped forward and latched onto my mum.

It hasn't really happened, I told myself.

It isn't real. I'm not real. This isn't real.

But oh boy was it real.




hi guys I'm sorry it's been ages (again)

I'm really sorry that this part is really short, but I felt that adding anything onto it would have just taken away from the part

I also apologise for the huge jump in time!



~Jane xø

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