Chapter 21.

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Chris and I sat in his living room watching movies and eating food, a perfect Saturday.

However, Mark had other plans.

He wanted me to go to a show with him to see blink playing and as much as I pretended to mind I really didn't. But I was going alone and was standing side stage.

"Oh, maybe you can come with me!" I said, out of the blue, to Chris,"I mean, I'm going alone and you'd get to meet the guys and I'd have company."

"Slow down, what are you talking about?" Chris asked with a laugh.

"Mark is taking me to one of his shows and I'm going to bored and alone because mum has to stay with Joe," I explained,"and, like, I know you love blink so I asked Mark and he's okay with it. And you'd meet the guys and stuff so..."

I finally looked up at him to see his mouth gaping open.

"Are you fucking with me?" He asked.

I pulled a confused face before shaking my head,"no."

He pounced, making me fall back as he landed on top of me.

"Oh my god!" He yelled, peppering kisses all over my face,"you're the best, like, ever. Ever!"

"So I guess you're coming?" I asked with a giggle.

"No, I'm staying here," he said sarcastically before rolling his eyes,"of course I'll go. But mainly to be with you."

"Don't be such a kiss arse," I laughed,"you're going for blink and I like that. I'm happy to take you. Heck, I'm basically using you. But it's acceptable because you're my precious."

"Ugh, I love you so much," he grinned before kissing my lips softly.

"I knew it!" A squeal came from the doorway,"I'm telling you, I knew this would happen!"

Chris' mum squealed and clapped her hands.

"I just knew it, I knew ever since you went over to Olivia's house at first," she smiled, wiping a tear from her eye.

"Mom," he groaned,"stop crying."

I smiled as he got up and she hugged him.

"Mo-om!" He whined, flailing slightly.

She rapped him on the arm,"stop that now."

I stood and took a picture of the two, smiling at the image.

"Mom, guess what?" He asked before telling the story of us going to the concert.


I stood beside Chris, my hand in his, as the support band played.

They finished up their last song and left the stage for the interval.

"I've to go to the toilet, I'll be back in a while," he said, kissing my cheek before walking off.

I smiled as I looked out at the crowd, wishing I could be out there, but it wouldn't happen.


I walked back towards where we were standing and looked at Olivia.

I stopped and took out my phone, it was a perfect picture opportunity.

She was standing looking out into the crowd as blink-182 took the stage and got set up to play their first song, a small smile on her face.

She looked perfect, even though she was forced into a blink-182 t-shirt and didn't like it, she looked beautiful. She looked vunerable seeing as the cancer had taken away her hair, a lot of the flesh on her bones and the colour in her skin, but her eyes still showed that glint of craziness, happiness and inspiration in them. Basically, her eyes showed a glint of her.

And I loved her.


I stood looking at my mum's boyfriend's band and tried not to dance around like a crazy person, but it was impossible.

A band I'd idolized for so long actually wanted me at their concert and had me side-stage? Like, wow.

I stood with Chris who was singing along to every song, and I admit he had a nice singing voice.

His arm was wrapped around my shoulder, mine around his waist. I tried to tone down my craziness by just bouncing along to the beat slightly whilst Chris stood beside me, doing the same, occasionally bouncing from side to side to bump my hip, making me giggle at him.

"So this is a little song that I'd like to dedicate to a lady I know. We don't get along too well but I really hope to get closer to her in the near future," Mark announced, sending me a small smile.

Chris nudged me and squealed,"oh my gosh Oli, that's about you!"

They launched into Stay Together For The Kids which reminded me of the fight we'd had when I asked him if the song even meant anything to him.

Of course it did, I mean, he wrote it and it happened to both him and Tom.

I didn't realised I'd been crying until I felt Chris shaking my shoulders.

He was bent down, looking into my eyes,"Olivia? Are you alright?"

I shook my head before wiping my eyes and smiling,"yeah, sorry."

I let out a small laugh before wiping my eyes again.

A look of relief spread across his face.

"I'm just not feeling right," I said with a frown,"I think I might have a sit down."

My words got slower and more slurred near the end of my sentence as I began to sway, falling backwards and everything afterwards was black.




so hi, hey. Sorry it's been so long, I'm trying!

Today sucked and I feel really ill (my english teacher has a vendetta out for me bc I forgot my book today so she gave me questions to do and I didn't have my play and I couldn't get my pen quick enough for her liking so yeah...)


Til next time!

~Jane xø

Stay Together For The Kids - blink-182जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें