Chapter 13.

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I walked down stairs soundlessly and went to the kitchen.

Mum was cooking breakfast, smiling as she listened to the radio.

I sat down at the table.

"Good morning!" Mum said in a sing-song voice.

I was about to reply when Mark cut in.

"Yes it is," he smirked and kissed her.

She giggled and bumped his hip with her own.

She hadn't even acknowledged I was there.


"I'm right here," I said, sadness in my voice.

"Oh, hello," she smiled at me.

She dished out the plates to the different places on the table.

Then she and Mark sat opposite where Joe and I sat.

I force a smile at them, even though I was sure they could see the pain on my face.

A small stack of pancakes sat in front of me. Immediately, my mouth ran dry.

"I'm not very hungry mum," I said, but she and Mark were too wrapped up in each other to even notice I spoke.

I sighed before standing up and pushing my chair in and walking up to my room.

I sat on my bed and hugged my pillow to my chest as I cried.

She didn't care.

Nobody did.

Nobody noticed anything was even wrong with me.

Just then, my phone buzzed.

Chris; you wanna come down to mine for a bit?

I thanked the gods for an escape before texting him 'I'm on my way' and running down the stairs and out the front door. Not that I needed to run because nobody would have noticed I was gone.

I wiped my face with my sleeve and knocked on the door of Chris' house.

"Olivia, my dear, you don't need to knock! Nobody else does," Chris' mum, Alice chuckled.

I let out a small laugh and nodded.

"Go on up, he's still in bed, maybe you can get him up," she motioned towards the stairs.

Usually I'd laugh at 'maybe you can get him up' but today I just smiled and nodded, my heart still sore from the events of the day before.

I jogged up the stairs to Chris' room and threw myself on his vacant bed, he must have been peeing.

I heard the door open again and shut after him.

"Hey," I muttered into his pillow.

"What's up?" He frowned.

"They're engaged," I croaked.

"Who?" He asked, sitting on the bed at my feet.

I rolled over to see him,"Mark and mum."

"I know," he sighed,"it's all over the Internet."

"What?" I asked, my eyes widening.

He grabbed his laptop and sat down next to me, pushing me over a little to fit in the bed.

He clicked on a website like the usual online gossip websites, like Pupfresh or AP...

"Bass player of blink-182 has engaged to his girlfriend of one year!"

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