Ah... My kids will have to suffer just as much as I did. It kind if makes me sad but at the same time I'm happy. I do to know its because they will know the torture I went through bot because I'm glad to even think about send onh then off to school.

Just thinking about sending them off to school in their big books bag , that are a sizes way to big for them , make me happy .

I could almost imagine how they look but try not to give much thought since we haven't even found out the gender yet.

"Abby?" Trent Said appearing out of nowhere with a book that had me staring at for a while.

"What's that book about?"

I tried to grab it from him but he then put it above his head which was way too heigh for me .

"Trent." I grumbled."I'm pregnant and I'm in no shape to play games." I said.

He took a few minutes , debating whether or not he should give me the book. I glared. Making him instantly give it to me.

I soon as I saw the cover I looked at his embarrassed face and laughed my eyes out." Oh!!! My!! God !!!"

He looked at me annoyed as I kept laughing." Okay... Don't enjoy my embarrassment too much."

I laughed harder." Why would you get this book?" I choked out from in between laughs.

"I- shut up and just give it to me." He said trying to snatch it from me but I have ninja skills so I pulled away quick.

I read the cover." Birth and Baby ."

I laughed." Well I don't know if you want a home birth or not. Plus I want to learn how to be a dad. At least a decent one." He said seriously.

I changed my mood as I saw how serious he was being about this." Trent. I'm not experienced either so don't worry to much and I'm not doing a home birth. I don't know about you but I ain't no doctor and having a baby in a baby tub.... Uh..." I shivered at the thought." Imagine talking a bath afterward. Just thinking thats where all the blood and fluids where at . Not including the baby who pops out of my vajajay. "

He nods in agreement as her thinks about it." Okay ! No home birth it is."

We close that session quicker than I thought before I went back to the tv to watch an action movie . I place the popcorn next to my belly making me feel weirds a a my big tummy hit the bowl.

"Oh... That a good movie." Trent said as he sat down next to me.

We sat their for hours as we watched film after film making us hungry in between. I of course made Trent get the food/snacks using the 'I'm pregnant' card making him instantly shut up and get it.

"Trent." I said interrupting the cute move scene in the entire movie where the female and male role finally kiss."What did you think of me when you first meet me?"

He messed up his hair more than it already was." I don't quite remember but I think it has to do with you being cute , short and just plain out weird.."

I rolled my eyes." Wow! Thank you for your honesty. Anyway .. Why weird?"

"Well because... When I came to talk to you when I was dead up nervous." My curiosity grew." Because you were cute." He said making me 'oh'."I overheard you say stuff about chicken?"

"Chicken ?" I said laughing.

"Chicken." He confirmed." So.. I kinda relax afterward because I thought 'hey!this girl is pretty weird. She can't w mean'."

"Wow... And to think that chicken is what got us together."

"Oh! Yes... That tender crispy piece of juices meat. It was fate. Chicken is our fate." He declared.

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