When you help with their facial routine

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"Thank you" he kisses you once, "I didn't really need the help by the way... I just wanted you to do it!" he kisses you again; and you all but melt into him.


"Y/N!" Namjoon calls out, searching for you when he finally finds you curled up on the couch. "Do you have any wax strips left?" he asks, making you frown in confusion. "Yeh... but why?" Namjoon's face suddenly blushes as he realises he'll have to tell you if he wants the strips.

"Uh... well, the makeup Noonas always tell me that it's kind of hard to put foundation on my face because of my chin always being stubbly... I thought that if I waxed it rather than shaved then it would be smoother..." he shrugs nonchalantly - though his slightly red ears tell you otherwise.

"You're not really supposed to use these on your face, but I suppose it'll be alright" you say once you direct Namjoon's head onto your lap, in order to actually wax his precious chin. "Does it hurt?" he jerked away before you had a chance to apply the strip. "A little, but you're only having one strip so it'll be over quickly" you assure him, pushing his head back down so that you can do it properly.

The wax does feel nice and warm on his chin, and so Namjoon begins to relax - only to scream out every profanity under the sun once the wax is ripping off his poor skin. "Oh my god, you liar! That stung like a bitch, Ow!" he squeals, rubbing his chin to rid the pain. "Stop being such a baby! But you're right, your chin is so smooth now" you smirk, stroking the (now red) skin before placing a gentle kiss onto it - right where his cute little mole sits.


Jimin has always been self conscious - that much is obvious in the way that he always seems insecure with his singing and dancing - despite the fact that he's extremely talented. Yet, he's also conscious about his physical appearance; especially his weight and skin.

"Jimin! Calm down! It's alright, baby" you rush to his side, removing his hands from his face and making him drop the towel. The poor boy had been scrubbing his face too hard with an exfoliating towel - as if it would rid of his spots immediately. - that it was beginning to scratch and turn red.

"Your face is fine, acne is natural alright? You're just going to damage your poor skin by scrubbing it so hard" you frown, stroking his cheeks gently as a few tears began to slip down his cheeks. "Here, let me" you pour a small amount of face wash between your hands, lathering them up before ever so delicately rubbing over his cheeks, nose, forehead and chin.

Jimin took the initiative and rinsed off the suds with warm water, sniffling as you sweetly began towel drying his face. "Thank you... I love you" he murmured, kissing you gently on the nose.


"Y/N~" your boyfriend whines, and he is quite the site; vibrantly pink nails, badly winged eyeliner, and fluffy slippers adorning his feet.

He had come to you earlier, complaining about wanting to have a sleepover with you like you kept talking about having with your girlfriends. They had sounded like so much fun and Tae loves to be pampered by you - but now he was starting to get irritable.

"Y/N~ I have shows to perform soon! You're going to make my poor skin breakout!" he pouts, and you happily show him the final set of items for the evening. In your hands; a face mask, moisturiser and packet of cucumber eye pads are clutched.

"I know, I'll clean your face off now, don't worry!" you chuckle, already picking up some wipes off of the coffee table to rid of his tragic makeup. "Aren't you having fun?" you frown, "A little... but I feel like a drag queen" he laughs, flinching slightly as you lay the cold face mask onto his skin. "Close your eyes, babe" you tell him gently whilst placing two eye pads on him as well.

He begins to relax as you lay him down in your lap - stroking his hair to keep him occupied as the mask does it's healing magic. He does look remarkably cute with the slices of cucumber covering his eyes - and his skin looks so soft and squishy under the gooey sheet.

"I think I'll keep the nail colour on for a bit longer, Jagi" he whispers, embarrassed to admit that he kind of likes 'girly sleepovers' now.


You'd noticed that Jungkook was wearing mouth masks a lot more lately, even when just chilling around your apartment. "You're feeling self conscious again, aren't you?" you had cornered him one day, making him bashfully admit that yes, he had been feeling uncomfortable in his skin these past few days.

So, now you'd bought some supplies for him to help his skin; and for yourself since it always feels nice to pamper yourself occasionally. "Here, these pore strips work wonders on your nose!" you grinned, handing him one - though by the puzzled expression you got in return, you decided to help him with it instead.

"It smells funny" he whines, making your task of laying the strip flat across his nose ten times harder. "Sit still, you baby" you tease, pressing down firmly on his nose. "Am not" he pouts, but waits patiently for ten minutes for it to work. At least, he hoped it would really work.

"Ow! Shit, Y/N!" he cries almost pitifully, slapping your hand as you begin peeling back the pore strip. "You're such a wuss, those muscles are just for show aren't they?" you smirk, pulling off the other side. "Is it over?" he pouts before rubbing his nose. "Yes, you chicken, ooooh and look!" you almost drool - finding the blackheads and whiteheads littered across the black strip way too satisfying.

"You're such a weirdo" he shakes his head, crumpling up the sheet and throwing it in the trash before you can ogle over it any longer. "But you love me~" you chuckle, stroking your palms over his now soft skin. Jungkook could only laugh, shrugging his shoulders as he mutters "Of course I do".

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