Better Than This

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Sam x Reader

"I know you. And you're better than this." Sam muttered, his eyes darkened as he stared your way. You could see how mad he was, and you wanted to scream, to tell him that you weren't doing this on purpose.

5 hours earlier

Leaving the hotel room behind, you began the short trek to the grocery store, needing something more than the beer and beef jerky that Dean seemed to think you could survive on. You wanted real food. Maybe a sandwich, or chicken. Something that wasn't so over processed that you had to chew for five minutes before you could swallow it.

The sidewalk was slippery, and you stayed off to the side, your feet sinking into the snow as you made your way into the main part of town. Your phone buzzing, you almost slipped as you pulled it out of your pocket, seeing Sam's name on the other end. "There's my favorite man." You answered with a smile.

"Hey Y/N. Just called to see how you were doing?" He spoke, a smile lighting up the tone of his voice.

"I'm hungry." You mumbled. "Dean's left nothing but beef jerky. I'm on my way to the store."

"Just be careful." He insisted. "We have no idea what we're up against."

"Don't worry. It's just a quick trip to the store, and I'll be right back to the room. Back where it's warm and toasty. It's chilly out here!"

"Well hurry up, and get back to the room. We'll be back shortly, and I'll take you out to a nice dinner." He promised. Hanging up, you turned into the parking lot of the store, passing the parked cars to head to the front, you stepped into the nearly empty store. It seems like the storm had kept many of the people home, and you had no trouble navigating the aisles, picking up things that should get you through the next couple of days.

As the cashier checked out your items, you swept through one of the cheesy magazines, trying to pass the time when she spoke up. "Y/N, I have a proposition for you."

Lowering the magazine, you glanced at the cashier in surprise. "How do you know my name?"

"It's not important." She muttered. "What's important is if you want to save Sam or not."

Your entire body tensing up, you reached into your back pocket to pull out your knife when you realized you had left it back in the hotel room. "Who are you? And what do you want?"

"Just a Demon with a grudge against a certain hunter." She answered. Deciding you had enough, you rounded the corner, leaving your groceries behind as you tried to leave the store. "And where do you think you're going?"

The doors slammed shut, trapping you inside. "Now stay here, and listen to what I have to say."

Turning to face her, you reached into your pocket for your phone. "I don't think so." She muttered, your phone burning hot before you dropped it. "Now, where was I? Oh yeah, that boyfriend of yours. He has caused me nothing but trouble, and you walking into this store has given me the answer I so desperately needed."

"Yeah, what's that?" You smarted off.

"He's going to get his heart broken. Completely and utterly. And there's nothing he can do about it!" She squealed with excitement.

"Don't you dare hurt Sam." You growled, but it just made her laugh.

"I'm not going to hurt him. You are." She giggled. "See, I have this proposition for you. Break his heart utterly and completely, and I let you both live. Refuse to do so, he dies, and so do you."

"You can't do that." You muttered, but she just nodded.

"Y/N, I'm a Demon. I can do whatever the hell I want." She explained. "So, here's the deal. You're going to leave this store, head back to the motel room, and break things off with him. Horribly and cleanly. You'll leave his life, shattering his heart along with it, never to get back together. And I promise I will keep an eye on the two of you."

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