Chapter Fifthteen: Battle in Highgate

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"She was added into the equation once people found out her bloodline and abilities. It would only be a matter of time before she'd become a problem too.", Mike explains.

"Plus, once Kristoff found out about her, he and Logan went searching close to home for info on and for possible enemies of hers to help. Enemies almost always want to help. He hit the jackpot with EJ.", he says. Once he says EJ, I interrupt. "Wait, EJ?", I question deeply hurt and confused.

"He really, really hates you and add in money and your death and he was all in, very little questions asked."

I walk away and Ailsa follows after me. "Talk to me.", she says to me.

"I don't get it, what have I done to him to make him hate me.", I look at her and wonder aloud.

Mike overhears me and yells, "I can answer that too."

I turn back, now, I'm pissed as fuck(he seems like he's enjoying my pain too much). But I still want to know. "I'm listening.", I say.

"Logan didn't tell you everything.", he says. Then stops and smiles.

I'm about to run towards him and Ailsa grabs me with two arms by my hips. "Stop playing fucking games and just tell us.", Ailsa says with a growl.

"Well from what Logan told us, EJ said you were always treated like you were the special child by everyone.", he says. He continued,"You were the one everyone bragged about and showed interest in, because you were so smart and went to college but also because there was one more thing different and special about you.", Mike started off.

EJ told Logan the reason, you were even more special and why he really hated you, though. It was because of the fact you could do more damage than your brother, father and grandfather all put together and Logan found that interesting. More importantly Kristoff, found it interesting and possibly useful.", he explains.

Now every single thing, Logan told you about yourself was true. He needed to give you something. But he purposely left out one part, Hoodoo. Hoodoo is more powerful than sorcery and vodou combined, it's basically like witchcraft."

"Ok and?", I ask unimpressed.

"You're the only one in the family who has been given the gift to do all three.",explained.

"I call bullshit. Logan said witchcraft here and there.", I dispute.

"Did he ever say hoodoo?", Mike ask.

"No.", Ailsa replies.

"Then, he didn't tell you everything. I said, BASICALLY LIKE not exactly like.", he says.

I look at Ailsa she looks extremely irritated. Mike must've noticed too, because he continued. "Vodou is a religion, sorcery is a form of magic but along the lines of wizardry and Hoodoo is black magic. Some swear by Hoodoo so much, it's often confused for a religion, but it's not. That's the difference between Hoodoo and witchcraft. Witchcraft, depending on who you ask, is part of a religion or is a religion. There is no argument Hoodoo is definitely not a religion.They are both full of spells. Hoodoo spells can be used as part of a religion, but it stands alone.", he explains.

"Black magic is nothing but evil ones. Really, really powerful evil ones. Some have been known to make some spells using hoodoo and use it for good by flipping it, but even the word Hoodoo means evil and destructive magic. So it exist to do damage not good.", Mike further explains.

I was about to read his mind to find out if he was telling the truth, when Ailsa tackles me and Mike's body then goes limp. As Ailsa is tackling me I see blood dripping from the side of Mike's face. As I'm down on the ground I see a bright blue light followed by a boom.

The Detroiter (gxg) Book 1 (Complete)(#watty2018)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें