Chapter Five: On the Run

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Shauna pov

It is too late. Whatever those things are, they move way too fast for us not to have had some sort of collision with them. Fortunately the one that pounced on the car caused no major damage, possibly just a really big dent on the hood, but besides that nothing.

It seems to also have had no affect on the mysterious animal (now that I couldn't care less about). I just want to get the fuck out of here. So I say, "Let's get the fuck out of here." I have remind myself to stay calm. "What in the fuck were those things?" I then ask. "Whelp, so much for calm, Shauna." I think.

"You're guess is as good as mine." My cabbie, Sam says.

Sam is great driver, he drives like we're in an action movie instead of this is shitty horrid situation we're really in. He is continuing to speed away, all while he's looking just as scared and confused, as I am.

I decide maybe  I should find what those were. I use my phone's search engine and type in the description of the "animals?" we saw. "Animal with a large muscular body covered in fur with the face of a dog or a wolf."

Nothing, but pictures of wolves pop up, but I know that's not what we saw. It then clicks to me, what I saw. "But that couldn't be. Those aren't real", I meant to say in my head, but I instead say aloud.

"What couldn't be? " I hear Sam ask.

I respond "Werewolves."

"Werewolves." He repeats.

"Well do you have a better explanation?" I ask, I pause waiting (and honestly hoping)for a response. When I don't get one I continue, "because I'm kinda sure, I take that back, I'm ABSOLUTELY fucking positive that what we just saw was not a fucking wolf." I emphasize.

This is one of my straight up freak out moments,. Freak out moments are usually followed by one of my nervous ticks, this time it's biting my nails, since, I can't pace anywhere. "Man, I picked the worse time to stop drinking.", I think. Then rubbing my temples and then repeating it aloud .

Just then I realize my phone is ringing. I look at my phone. It's Meredith. I answer. "Hello?" She must've heard the fear in my voice.

"What's wrong and where are you?" She ask with panic in her voice.

"I've been texting you, like mad." She continues.

"I've had to stop myself from contacting the fuzz, about five times now. Once again, where are you?"

So I ask Sam, "Where are we?"

"It looks like we're in Barking. Ain't that your destination in Barking?" He ask.

"Yes, it is." I respond to him. I then return to my phone call. "We're here in Barking now." "The irony." I start to say, but I instead keep it to myself.
"I'm so sorry, Meridith. I didn't mean to make you worry, but you wouldn't believe the weird shit I saw tonight.

If the driver didn't also see it, I would've sworn I'm high off my ass right now." "Honestly, I'm still not one hundred percent sure, that I'm not." I think to myself.

"I have the worse luck in world. I come over here for a fresh start and I get caught up in some weird horror movie bullshit. I'm freaking the fuck out, right now." I say to her.

"What exactly did you see?"

Meridith asks. But before I can answer the next thing I feel is a sudden jerk and I also hear a loud squeal of tires. "We're stopping!!" I think. "What in the hell?" I yell. "Why are you stopping?"

"LOOK!" The cab driver says while pointing towards the windshield.

I look following his finger and I see, hunched over and breathing hard, a beautiful naked tattooed woman. She's bloodied with cuts, scrapes and bruises, they're covering her impressively toned body. She has strange colored eyes and they were locked on me. "Whoa!" I say aloud. I didn't mean to though.

"What's going on?" I hear Meridith ask.

Or at least I think those were her words. She might as well have been screaming directly at a brick wall. My eyes, my attention and definitely my body were all locked in on the wounded beauty NAKED outside my cab ride's car. "I'm OK. I'll call you back" I say quickly, then go to hang up still staring at the mysterious woman, is now standing upright and STILL staring right back. And I'm getting turned on at absolute worse time. But even wounded I get the strange feeling she is too.

"WAIT!!! ..."

I hear Meridith scream just before there is a click.

"What should we do? I now hear a male voice ask.

It takes me out of my haze just enough to then temporarily snap back into reality and I look at Sam. It takes me a second to fully take in his question, even though I know what the question had been.

My confused look must be back, because he then widens his eyes and he ask again, what should we do? This time with more urgency in his voice.

So I do and say the smartest thing I can think of. I look at him, shrug and say simply, " I dunno." Then I remember what we were speeding away from. "We should probably help her."

"Are you sure?" He ask with a skeptical look.

"You saw what was out there. Do you really want to hold it on your conscience you left someone out there in need their time of need?", I ask. Really I know I also have ulterior motives besides just being a good Samaritan. When I look back at her, she has a slight grin on her face and a dangerous look in her eye. Not a deadly one, but I do feel like she's looking into my eyes sizing up as her new prey she wants to devour. "No. Werewolves or not she's still could be nuts", I think with common sense. But I'm feeling too giddy inside all of sudden. I then quickly, with possibly too much eagerness in my voice, I say "YES! We definitely should help her." Then I think, looking right back into her eyes. I think "Yum, lucky me."

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