Chapter Three: A Fresh Start

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                          Shauna pov

"What in the fuck was I thinking, leaving cold ass Michigan to move to cold ass mother fucking London?" "First time in London and I'm cold as fuck, it's windy as hell and I'm fucking soaked out here. Ive been out here waving my motha fucking arm for 15 minutes, looking for a stupid ass fucking cab. Dammit, I could've stayed in Detroit for this bullshit.", I tend to curse even more than I do on a regular when I'm mad, especially if it is only in my head. I cuss A LOT on a regular basis, A WHOLE LOT.

"What's your destination, Miss?"

All of a sudden, I hear a man's voice that breaks my internal complaining session inside of my massively pissed off mind. "Huh?" I ask in return.

"Destination?",  a cabbie repeats his question, cheerfully.

I realize what he said and almost instantly relaxing I say, "Finally!". I'm so relieved, I swear I could kiss the damn guy. At that point I realize, I was still waving my arm, like a complete and utter fool, I quickly pull my arm down out of view. He smiles at me, I however know he saw me . "1 Linton Rd." I say in a hurry, I could swear even with my dark complexion, you could see embarrassment growing on my face.

"Right away.", the driver says.

Now a new journey in my life has begun. I've instantly gone from "Detroit versus Everybody" to "God Save The Queen". Man, shit just got real. After I help store away in the trunk what was left of my life in America (mostly mementos,my laptop, and clothes), I quickly shrink into the backseat of the car. "So, this is merry ole England? I don't see what's so fucking merry about it.", I think. I sit up straight when I notice his mouth moving in the mirror. He must've have noticed my confused facial expression.

"First time here in London?", I now hear him and he's probably repeating his original question.

I now know for sure, I have a confused look on my face, "How did he know that?

"People who haven't been here before tend to stand out more than other visitors.", he explains. Then he looks back and smiles. He seems like a very friendly person.

"Guess I should work on that, huh?" I respond with a friendly grin.

"My name is Sam." He says.

" Nice to meet you Sam, I'm Shauna. ".

"Hiya, Shauna it's really nice to meet you.", Sam replies cheerfully.

Just then I hear a buzz and realize its my phone. I go to retrieve it out of my pocket. Oh dear lord, it's a text from my new boss, Meredith Smith. " Excuse me." , I politely say and open the text.

Meridith: Have you arrived?

(I stupidly, decided to test my independent streak in a brand new country, where I only know one person, it's like I'm desperate to end up as a dateline episode. Seriously some white girl, horror movie, shit.)

Me: Yes. Sorry, I forgot to let you know. Had a hard time getting a cab and I forgot about everything else, due to my absolute joy. Is the weather here always this shitty?

Meridith: Yea, pretty much. You should've let me come get you. It would've been easy peasy.

An old coworker of mine at the City Press, introduced me to my new boss, Meredith, who then got me a job at the Romford Recorder. I'm still an assistant and it's not the most well known newspaper. In fact it's kinda lowbrow. But, hey it's job. And the two of them also had been helping find an apartment, excuse me, a flat

Me: Don't worry you'll help me out plenty, when you help me find and move into an apartment.

Meridith: Flat, love. Flat.

Me: Give me time to at least get used to the time difference. Then feel free to "Brit" me all up as much as you want. 😜

Meridith: LOL. 😂

Me: I'll message you when Im nearby.

(Meridith and I had become close, which at times made me even sadder than usual. Reminding me of my former boss and best friend Leo. He is one of the main reason I'm even here. He always spoke of how he wanted to visit London.

"Girl, I swear, I will get your behind there, one way or another. Even if I have to find some sexy British girl with big titties to seduce you and drag your ass over there.", Leo once said jokingly. 

And to that I replied, with a smile, "Bullshit, when would you have the time to look? I'm pretty sure you'd always be too busy looking at the pretty boys for you. You'd never have the time to search for someone to seduce anyone else, besides you." I had to tease him back. "Plus I'm an ass woman, anyway, so it'd still be a no.", I say. "Bullshit.", he said back.

I've always had a playful personality, but with him it was elevated to a whole other level. We were beyond like brother and sister. Sort of like kindred spirits, as corny as that sounds. He understood me and I understood him. "Man, I miss him", I sit and reflect. I return my attention back to Sam. "Ok, I'm back.", I announce grinning.

"Are you American?", I hear Sam ask.

"Yes, are we Americans that obvious, as well?", respond with my own question.

"Yes. Well, at least to me, you are.", he says and smiles in the mirror.

I showed up in London later than I was originally supposed to due to flight delays, so it's now dark out. But even now, I can still see Sam was probably in his fifties, at the most. My friendly cabbie still had a youthful vibe to him regardless and a slightly boyish smile, even with the grey in his hair and on his face.

As he's driving along, I noticed his face which is already pale, turn even lighter as it suddenly became filled with extreme fear. You could also see confusion taking hold as well.

I was too focused on his facial expression to turn back. I soon hear something that sounds like a growl, followed by two loud barks. Out the side of my left eye, I see a blur fly by. I now turn and see two dogs, wolves or something chasing after whatever the first speeding object was.

"What in the fuck was that!!!!" I scream as what Sam was looking at caught up to the car and continued past us. At the same time all of this was happening my driver had stopped paying attention to the road. "What the bugger", I hear him say. He didn't see the three more canine like figures speeding directly towards us from the right side of the car.

I hear more barks and heavy panting now closing in fast and I turn and look in that direction just in time to see them and one of those figures about to pounce on the hood of the car. I have to yell to Sam "STOP!!!!"

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