Chapter Eight: Exclusive Interview pt 1

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                          Ailsa pov

Sam, Meredith and Shauna all have to go to work and I want to go home and paint. Sam offers to drop me off at my place, but Meredith insisted on she and Shauna dropping me off.

"It's on our way to the office.", Meredith says with a smile.

I look suspiciously at her, because I never told her where I live. "Is your office in Barking, as well?" I ask.

"Yes", she replies.

"Then it's not on your way to my place. ", I say and I hear Shauna chuckle. So I smile and wink back towards her and she smiles back. I know that smile is gonna get me in trouble, because I immediately cave(in my head only) after seeing her smile at me, how could I say no. I want to string Meredith along more though it's too fun.

Awww, come on, it'll be a great way for you two to talk some more. I don't mind, really, I don't." Meredith says.

"Is she like this all the time?", I look at Shauna and ask. I've also learned in less than twenty-four hours, Meredith is very mischievous and always has something up her sleeve.

Shauna sighs and says, " Yeah, pretty much. But she was so adorable I had to keep her."

I laugh hysterically. Shauna soon joins in. Meredith just gives Shauna a glowering look.

"Seriously, you guys. The more you guys talk the better and the sooner the Recorder gets our interview. Don't you two want to make my job easier?", Meredith ask trying and pathetically failing to give an innocent smile.

Turns out Meredith and now Shauna work at the Romford Recorder. I've had quite a few problems with that paper in the past.

"No." Shauna and I reply in unison. Now, I'm getting a glare.

"Ok.", I finally tell Meredith (I like the thought of being able to spend more time with Shauna) "But this also means, I no longer owe ya one. I'm a one and done type of girl.", I add trying to sound stern.

"Good news, for you, Shaun. She's a one and done type of girl." Meredith says towards Shauna with a chuckle.

I put my palm to my forehead, running my hand through my hair, I realize, I walked right into that. I smile and turn to see what Shauna's reaction was. She's slightly smiling as well. Well that's until she sees me smiling at her.

"OK, OK, lovebirds. Let's get a move on." I hear Meredith order.

"OK, OK, mom." Shauna says while sticking out her tongue.

I chuckle, but I'm also thinking of all the places I wouldn't mind Shauna's tongue to be. I thought, "I bet she's quite good with her tongue." Only problem is it came out aloud. Meredith may not have heard anything (thank goodness) but Shauna certainly did. And from change in her aroma she definitely heard  my thoughts  liked them a lot.

She then slowed down and whispered "Haven't had any complaints yet."

I quickly whisper back, "Tease."

Next she whispers "You'd like to find that out too, I bet?"

Then she runs ahead and yells back "Hurry up slow poke!"

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