Chapter Twelve - Commanders of Messaline

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"It's a pleasure to meet you, Prince," Commander Yuppivious shook his hand.

"Yes," Commander Ramiro agreed, less enthusiastically, though, "You hardly mentioned your connection to the Doctor... Could you further explain that to us... Just to be safe, of course."

"Of course," Prince agreed, "Like I said earlier, he is a good friend of mine. We met when I was younger and have kept a very good relationship throughout the course of most of my life. He asked me to check in on the hath and humans. I'd heard the place was very pretty and devised to bring my girlfriend with me, to see the sights. This is her, Ezibel."

"Ah," Commander Ramiro hesitated, "You... Haven't heard from his daughter, have you? Jenny's been gone for a while and I do hope to bring her back... For generations, hath and human alike have been begging for her to be crowned leader, but she has to return."

"His... Daughter?" Prince raised an eyebrow, "He has never spoken of a daughter."

"He hasn't?" Commander Ramiro doubted, "I wonder why that is."

"If you will remember, Ramiro," Commamder Yuppivious assisted, "He believed her to be dead... He is probably not even aware of her existence."

"I would assume so," Commander Ramiro doubted, "Well... You've checked in on us, Prince, but now I ask that you and your companion make your leave, now."

"Of course, Commander," Prince rose and offered me his hand to do the same, "We wish you the best."

"And to you," Commander Yuppivious returned, "Please... Give the Doctor our regards."

"Yes, yes," Prince nodded, "I will do that when I next see him... Good-bye, Commamders."

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