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[ Jungkook's POV ]

I walked to my doorstep and knocked on the door . I didn't want Fira to send me home all the way to my doorstep because I feel bad that I'm dating her bestfriend and i'm her bestfriend too .

I shouldn't have treated her that way . No one answered the door . Allison isn't at home ? I looked for my keys and unlock the door . I entered the house and she isn't there . I wandered where could she be late at night .

I watched some variety shows on television in the dark while eating chips . Suddenly , I heard keys clanging . I turned to my right and the door swung open . 

I saw Tae and Allison making out . They were moaning and kept kissing each other , tongue to tongue . I was shocked to see this happening .

Allison , we started out as friends and she confessed that she like me . We started dating and she told me to stay away from Fira . We made out with each other a lot but I realised she is only doing this whenever Fira is around .

Not only did Allison controlled my life , she was cheating on me the whole time . 

I stood up and raised my voice at them , " what the fuck Allison "

Both of them heard me and immediately stopped what they were doing . They faced me looking scared . I came up to them and slapped Allison . I pulled her hair and made her face me . 

" You think this is some kind of joke ?! " I spat at her face .

I threw her hard against the wall . She fell down feeling weak . Tae pushed me from behind " what are you doing ? " 

" This bitch " I yelled , punching his face then kicking his stomach . Blood started oozing out of his mouth . I continued to punch him .

" You know that she's mine yet you can't keep your hands to yourself . How many more girls do you want to rape " I screamed .

" Stop it Jungkook ! " Allison tried to defend Tae .

I pushed her and she fell on top Tae . " Ya'll can go and get the fuck out of my life  " I shouted before leaving the house and slamming the door shut . 

[ Fira POV ]

I was going through Instagram stories and came across Jungkook's . Usually I would just skip skip skip . But Jungkook hasn't been active on social media lately . " can I just die already " it wrote with a black background and the font size being so small . I was worried so I texted him .

replied to your story :
hey you okay ? :

: yea . i'm fine

no you're not . come on vent to me . you can trust me :

: i can't ..

why not ? : 

: I need you
: right now 
: please

ok2 i'm coming . :

: meet me at the park

saw you ! :

We walked around the park and honestly had one of the most deepest conversation ever in my life .

And I couldn't believe that I'm speaking my heart out , talking about things that I have been bottling up inside . We enjoyed the breeze while walking .

" One reason why I bottle up my feelings its because once I started talking about something , I start crying . I hate crying in front of people . I hate complaining about my problems . I hate it because people don't really care . I look like an attention seeker . I look weak and I hate that . "

" I'm a strong person , but every once in a while , I wish someone would hold my hand and tell me that everything's going to be fine " he replied .

" I hate that feeling when I see something and my heart literally sinks but I have to sit there and pretend I don't care at all . "

" have you ever wanted to cry but no tears came out so you just stare blankly into space while feeling your heart break into pieces "

" I have a habit of breaking my own heart . "

I'm glad we talked this through . I felt really relieved to be able to talk to someone and let out everything I've been keeping inside .

We decided to start fresh and the first step to do so is just like the old times , come for dance practice . 

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