19. Found him

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Beebee runs to my bedroom door and swings it open. The other creepypasta are desperately trying to get away. Many manage to make it to their rooms but others weren't. Beebee holds up a struggling Tobi. "This him?", she asks, looking at me. I shake my head and she releases the poor hatchet swinging boy. Once released Tobi ran away as fast as he could. Tobi being caught gave the others enough time to hide. Masky, Hoodie, Kagekao, Lj and Ej had all shoved themselves into a closet and held their breaths as the girls walked past. I knew where they all there and so did Beebee. She's not just any bounty hunter. Anyone can be a bounty hunter, all you have to do is hunt bounties, her family is the best in the business. Their senses are far better than anyone's, they have great sense of smell, hearing and amazing sight. Beebee paused before continuing her hunt, nothing will stop her until she finds her prey. She suddenly swings open a door and sees a boy dressed in green, his blood leaking eyes widen. "Found him", Beebee says with a smirk. I walk into the room and pull out a water pistol, Ben freezes. "You ready?". He shakes his head, this only causes you to smirk. You pull the trigger and from behind you Elixir waves her wand and sends a wave of water at him. Ben screams and we run back to my room, laughing like maniacs.

I lay down on my bed, gasping for breath and the others do too. Well everyone except Lily and Beebee, they just give a satisfied smirk. "That was so fun", Elixir giggles. I nod in agreement. Misty just gives a perverted smile. "It wasn't much of a punishment though, I wouldn't him something a little more... you know", she says wiggling her eyebrows. We all cringe and crack up laughing. Suddenly there is a knock at the door and Trender pokes his head around the door. "Dinner is ready, Butterfly". You send him a smile. "Ok thanks Trender, we'll be down in a sec". He nods and leaves the room. "Butterfly?", Lily questions with raised eyebrows. You blush slightly and rub the back of your neck. "Oh its just a nickname, you know how your dad calls you dark angel?". She nods. We all get up and head down stairs.


We sat at the table and Trender placed food in front of us. We all thanked him and dug in. "So where are your friends from?", Trender asks me. "Uh Beebee lives on a farm just out of town, Elixir lives out of town as well, Lily lives in hell and Misty lives in a place called the dungeon". Offender smirks. "Oh yes, I know it". We all cringe. Misty gasps. "Really? Do you know my dad? His name is Robert". Offender nods and we all raise out eyebrows as they have their own conversations. A few minutes in a now dry Ben walks in and takes a seat. He sends me a glare and I smile back causing him to grit his teeth. "So what are your friends?", Splendor asks. "Lily is the daughter of Satan, Elixir is a witch, Beebee is a bounty hunter and Misty is a... a... something that's not human". Splendor nods and smiles brightly. "It was so lovely of you girls to come, its so wonderful to meet (Y/n)'s friends, you should all come over another time". They all smile and nod.

The rest of dinner went terrific. Well that's how it was going until an unexpected person showed up. The dining room door opened and everyone turned to the faceless man who is always wearing a suit, the one and only Slenderman. "Who are these four?", he asks 'looking' at Misty, Elixir, Lily and Beebee. His tone was hard to read, no one could tell whether it was annoyed or just normal. "These are (Y/n)'s friends", Splendor enthuses. "And why are they here?", he asks, this time he sounded a little irritated. "Its (Y/n)'s birthday today, she turns 17", Trender says. Slender grunts in response and teleports away. Lily, Beebee, Misty and Elixir all turn and look at me, they could tell that something was up.


We all went back up to my room after dinner but the mood had dramatically changed, it was now somewhat depressing. I sigh and lay back on my mattress. Elixir lays on my left and Beebee on my right. Misty lay next to Beebee and Lily lay next to Elixir, Beebee was the only one who could put up with Misty's abnormally sexual behavior. "What's up with you and Slender?", Beebee asks suddenly. My eyes widen as I stare up at the ceiling. "Its uh nothing, don't worry about it". Elixir rolls onto her side so she is facing me. "Don't lie to us, we're all friends and I promise we won't judge you at all". You sigh again. "Ever since I was young Slender has treated me like a pest. I used to be so obsessed with pleasing him, I would train everyday and not even bother with trying to make friends. The only reason I have you guys is because of Sam, he was my first friend and if it weren't for his dad I wouldn't have ever met him". Elixir suddenly hugs me. "Hey cheer up, its your birthday so just forget about it and we can just hang out". "Yeah your killing the mood", Lily says without emotion. I giggle and sit up. "Of course, lets watch a movie".

In Slender's office

Slender 'glares' at his three brothers. "I told you that I am in charge of (Y/n), why is it that you disobeyed me?". He sounded very annoyed and his brothers would have to choose their next words carefully. "But Slender, its (Y/n)'s birthday", Splendor says. Slender scoffs. "I don't care what day it is, (Y/n) is under my direct control, got it!", he snaps. The three brothers can only nod, there is no way they could ever oppose Slender. If they did, something bad might happen. Whether it be them, to Slender, to the creepypasta or to (Y/n), they couldn't risk it. For the benefit of the others they agree.

Sorry updates are taking so long. I am lazy and have barely anytime so when I do have time I am unproductive. Right now we are at 4.26 k reads so thank you all so much for that. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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