18. Caught

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"And that's when we walked into the classroom and Cynthia was making out with Jackson", Elixir says. Misty and I gasp. "Woah I thought that Jackson was going out with Emily and Cynthia was going out with Will", Misty exclaims. I hold my hand over my mouth and giggle. The four girls turn to me and raise their eyebrows. "What's so funny?", Elixir asks. "No its nothing, just that we are all so invested in other peoples gossip". "We should talk about us", Beebee says suddenly. "About what though?", Lily asks. Misty smirks. "How about who we like?", she suggests, wiggling her eyebrows. This was always a topic that was usually shut down before we could go all the way around. "There's no point, someone always backs out", I say. "Ok then, who ever doesn't do it has to spend the night at my house", Misty says. We all immediately agree, no one wants to spend the night at Misty's house... well unless you wanna get raped. "Ok, who's going first?".

 In Ben's room

"Ok who's going first?", (Y/n) asks. Ben and Jeff look at each other with wide eyes. They were actually going to find out some stuff. Suddenly the door opens and the other creepy pasta walk in. "What are you two doing?", Masky asks. "Ben bugged (Y/n)'s room and we can hear everything they are saying", Jeff says. This seemed to peak their interest, they all come in and sit down. "Hey what are you doing?", Ben asks angrily. "We *tick* wanna know too", Toby says. The others nod. Ben sighs and turns the volume up on his phone.

Back to you

"Lily should go first and then we'll go around the circle", Misty says. We all nod and turn to Lily. "Who do you like?", Elixir asks. "I like Lavender", she says bluntly. Elixir gasps. "A girl! I didn't know you liked girls!". I giggle. "Lily isn't exactly a follower of god, why are you so surprised?". "Yeah, Lily is always checking out that blonde girl". "Do you know what she is?", I ask. Lily nods her head. "I think she's some kind of forest fairy but don't take my word for it". "Ok next is Beebee!", Misty exclaims. "I already know this", I say. "Who is it?", Elixir asks. "Beebee likes Max". Elixir and Misty gasp and Lily's eyes widen slightly, they were all shocked. "How do you know that?", Misty asks. "I see her always watching him". "Do you have a ghost fetish or something?", Misty asks. Beebee frowns at her. "No, I just like Max not just any ghost". "Aw that's so cute, we should set you two up", Elixir coos. Beebee sighs and looks at Misty. "Oh its my turn, well I don't like anyone in particular". We all nod. "Yeah I wasn't too surprised by that, you'll have sex with anything", I giggle. Misty smirks and turns to Elixir. "And who do you like?". Elixir blushes. "His name is Harry-". "Harry Potter!", Misty and I yell at the same time. Elixir glares at us. "Its not fucking Harry Potter, he's Harry in our math class", she says, folding her arms. My eyes widen. "Ugh human Harry, boring", I say. "Yeah you've gotta at least have some excitement, don't human's die when they have sex with witches?", Misty asks. Elixir glares at us again. "It only happens when we want it to". Elixir sighs and then turns to me, they all do. "And who do you like Miss Lester?", Beebee smirks. I shrug my shoulders. "I don't like anyone". "Lies", Misty says, shaking her head. "I'm being serious". "(Y/n) you should at least like someone, most guys at our school think you're hot, even my brother has a thing for you", Lily says. My eyes widen. "Lucius?". She nods. "Yeah my brother thinks you're pretty hot too", Beebee adds. "Mark too?". "Yep". "Also Hunter and Sam", Elixir says. My eyes widen even more. "What no way! Me and Sam are just friends and I just met Hunter". "That really must've broken his heart", Misty smirks. I raise my eyebrow. "What do you mean?". "You know the party Max and Sparkie threw a couple months ago?". I nod. "Yeah what about it?". "You two weren't very quiet". Every turns and stares at me. "You slept with Sam!". "Shhh shut up, it was an accident Ok. I woke up the next morning and we decided to just stay friends". "Aw poor Sam, I think he really likes you", Elixir says. I shake my head. "No way, we are best friends". "And now you're getting close to wolf boy and they are probably fighting over you", Beebee smirks. I roll my eyes. "None of that is happening Ok, we're all just friends here". "Even Sparkie likes you, you come straight after fire on his list of things he loves", Misty giggles. "No not my Sparkie", I whine. "Have you ever gone out with anyone?", Lily asks. I shake my head. "No". "Its not like its hard for her, boys come running for her", Misty smirks. "No, no they don't. Can you guys please stop, this is bullshit", I scoff. The others nod. "Yeah sorry, you're nod angry at us are you?", Elixir asks. "No I'm not but its annoying when you pressure me with all that stuff, you act like I don't know but I actually do and to be honest I wish I didn't".

Suddenly my phone goes off. I pick it up.

Y- you H- Hunter

Y- Hello?
H- Hey (Y/n), its Hunter
Y- Oh hey Hunter
The girls eyes widen. "Is it really him?", Elixir asks hopefully. I nod and lay back on my mattress.
H- I just wanted to say happy birthday, Sam told me it was your birthday
Y- Aw thank you and tell Sam I said thank you as well
H- Yeah he wanted to call but he's been busy working
Y- Yeah he's been working so hard lately, he saw an awesome motor bike that he wants and he won't stop till he gets it
H- So what are you doing for your birthday?
Y- I just have the girls over
"Hey Hunter!", Elixir calls out. Beebee and Lily mumble a quiet hello and Misty tries to snatch the phone out of my hand. "(Y/n) loves you!". I blush and push her away.
Y- Don't mind them *nervous chuckle*
H- Haha its fine, I'll call you later and we could hang out or something
Y- Yeah sure, I'll see ya round
H- Bye

I hang up and raise my eyebrow at the expression on the girls faces. "He just asked you out!", Elixir squealed. "No he didn't, he just said we should hang out sometime but its not like Slender would ever let me go out anyway". "What do you mean by that?", Misty asks. "Every time I go out Slender is looking for me for some reason. I'm not even allowed to leave the forest without asking and he says everything that isn't training is a waste of time". "Like when?", Lily asks. "When I got back from the wolf run and he wouldn't let me go see my dad so I snuck out". "Anyway how is your dad?", Beebee asks. "He's fine, still strapped to their chair and treated like he's insane but he's fine". Suddenly Beebee freezes and crawls over to my bed. "What is it Beebee?", Elixir asks. Beebee reaches under the bed and grabs a device which is a cross between a radio and a phone. "Someones been listening in on us", she says. My eyes widen and then I smirk. "Beebee". "Yeah". "Find them".

Ben and the others are in deep shit now XP Hope you are enjoying this story. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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