7. Memories

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I woke up in the middle of the night again. It was the same nightmare as last night. The one about the flowers. To a normal person that may not be scary but when you live a nightmare you become scared of the stupidest things. I sigh and wipe away my tears, I hate crying. It makes me feel weak, vulnerable. I lay my head back down and pull my blankets up to my chin, I hadn't noticed it at first but the room smelt the same as it did when I was a child. Like flowers and blood but now there was a hint of dust. I turned over and hugged my pillow, I found it comforting. No matter how sad I was I would always have my pillow waiting for me.

After an hour of laying there awake I decided to get up. I checked my phone and saw that it was 4am. I slid out of bed and shivered as the cold air hit my exposed skin. This old mansion was still as cold as ever. I got changed into some warm clothes and then started unpacking. Every room in the mansion was huge. My room was basically four rooms. The main bedroom, a bathroom, a walk in wardrobe and then an extra smaller room. That's where I kept all my stuff. You know, the usual serial killer stuff, knives and body parts. I walked into the smaller room and looked around. There were many shelves and rack on the walls, some still holding my old weapons. I picked up a small knife and giggled. It was the first one I was given, after that I became a collector. I walk into my bedroom and pick up a box, taking it into the smaller room. I open the cardboard lid and reach inside, pulling out a few different shaped knives. I blew the dust off one of the shelves and placed a few of my knives on it. I had so many and it was going to take forever to unpack them all. 

An hour later while unpacking I finished with my knives. All the shelves and racks were covered in my weapons; swords, knives, maces, clubs, scalpels, everything. I sat down against the wall, I had so many memories in this room. A normal human would freak out if they saw this room. Knives everywhere, old blood stains on the walls and floor. But when I was here I felt safe, like I was at home. On the opposite wall there was a fridge, a sink and some cupboards, like a small kitchen. I opened the fridge and saw that it was empty. I opened the cupboards above but didn't find anything in there. Next I looked at the ones below, one of them held something that was of interest to me. They were drawings I had done as a child. Scribbles that barely made a picture, all of them of Slender and I. Words written like 'Love' and 'Family'. I bit my lip, feeling slightly irritated. I hated looking at these, they reminded me of how I used to be. I take the drawings and walk into my room, going over to the corner. I lean my back against the wall and slide down to the ground. Even though these pictures make me sad I will not cry, I refuse to. I would rather get a spoon and scoop my eyeballs out then let tears fall from them while fully conscious. I stared down at the drawings, my eyes tracing the thick crayon lines. Something about these were soothing, I found myself getting tired. My eyelids were getting heavy but I wouldn't give in just yet. I flipped the paper over and read the writing on the back, it was a note. A letter of some sort, something I had written for Slender.

Deer Slendy
I am righting this leter becose I am leving sooon.
I dont wont to go becose I wont see you anymor
I dont wont to leve 
I luv all of you so mutch
I hop I will see you all agin sooon
Luv (Y/n)

It was as if it was a lullabye. I couldn't fight sleep any longer. My eyes were trying to close but my brain was too stubborn. I rested my nodding head against the wall and closed my eyes, finally giving in.

Trender's POV

It was 7am and we were all going to have breakfast. For some reason we all get up super early or are already awake from a night of killing. I walked up the stairs and towards (Y/n)'s room. I saw the (f/c) door and gently knocked on it before pushing it open slightly. I looked into the dark room, (Y/n) wasn't in her bed. I walked over to the bathroom, she wasn't in there. She wasn't in her wardrobe or other room. Then I saw her in the corner of my 'eye'. She sat huddled in the corner, a few pieces of paper clutched to her chest. I managed to get one out of her grasp and I was surprised when I saw what it was. It was a drawing of her and Slender. She used to do them of all of us but she did them of her and Slender mostly. I sigh thinking about how cold he is towards her. (Y/n) suddenly shivered, she had been sleeping there for a while, she must be cold. I lifted her up with my tendrils and put her back in bed. She's still the same as she was when she was just a child, all that is changed is her looks. I walk out of the room, letting out a quiet sigh. 

Here is the next chapter. Sorry there isn't much of the main story in it. The next will be better, I promise. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

Limitations (Creepypasta x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant