2. What is she?

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"Everyone introduce yourselves", Slender announces. First was a boy with pale skin, burnt off eyelids and a carved smile. "My name is Jeff". (Sorry I had to hahahahaha, dw I hate me too). Next were two masked boys, one wore a black mask with red eyes and stitched frown and the others was black and white and had quite feminine features. "I'm Masky", says the feminine masked boy. "M-my names H-Hoodie", says the other. Next was a boy with a black and white mask. "Watashi wa Sumisu Kagekao desu". (I'm Kagekao). A boy with blonde hair and dark green clothes was next. He winked his black and red eye at me and then introduced himself. "The name's BEN". A monochrome clown was next to step forward. "You can call me Laughing Jack, Jack or LJ". A boy with a blue mask and black ooze coming from the eye holes came after. "I'm Eyeless Jack, EJ or Jack is fine".  A boy with a mask covering his mouth and orange goggles covering his eyes waved to me. "I'm *tick* Ticci Toby, you can just call me Toby". There was a boy in a trench coat, hoodie, and a beanie, his eyes glew bright yellow. "I'm Puppeteer". Lastly, a little girl with brown hair and a pink dress walked towards me. She smiled up at me and hugged my leg. "My name is Sally". "Hello Sally", I giggle.

"Well now that you've met everyone its time for you to leave", Slender says. Splendor and Trender glare at their older brother. "We aren't sending her back, she has nowhere to go", Trender growls. "Splendor wants to keep his little princess", he mumbles sadly with a pout. You hug him and then let go pulling a piece of paper from your pocket. "But you promised", you say, handing it to Slender. He begins to read it aloud. "This document states that in the event of (Y/n) killing the whore who gave birth to her she is allowed to stay with her favorite four people. Slendy, Trendy, Splendy and Offendy. Signed Offender, Trender, Splendor, and Slender. I didn't sign this, which one of you forged my signature?!", he yelled at his brothers. You, Splendor and Trender pointed at Offender who just smirked. Slender grinds his teeth in his sealed mouth. "(Y/n) I am sorry but you can not live here". "Aw, why not?". "Because it's too dangerous". "You know I can take care of myself". "I understand that but we are all killers and you know that". You just raised an eyebrow, how does that even make sense? I mean I kill and eat people, if anything I belong here. I sighed and sadly smiled at Offender, Trender, and Splendor. "Well, I guess I'll see you around". Before I could walk out the door someone grabbed my wrist. I turned and saw Splendor on the brink of tears. "Where will you stay?", he asks. "At a friends house, I bet he will let me stay". Suddenly I yanked back into the house and Offender, Trender and Splendor stood protectively around me. "I'm sorry Slender but we cannot let her go and live with some boy", Trender says. "Yes, boys are bad for my princess", Splendor states. "I won't let someone take my (Y/n)'s innocence", Offender adds. They all glare at Slender and he just 'looks' at me, I smirk back. He grits his teeth and then sighs. "Fine she can stay". Splendor tackles me in a hug and then spins me around. "We kept your room!", he says. "You kept it?". Trender nods. Splendor grabs my hand and we run upstairs.

Meanwhile Slender just stands there in disappointment. "Why didn't you want her to stay?", Lj asks. Slender just shrugs his shoulders with a sigh. "And how is she so special?", Jeff asks. "(Y/n) is a defender", Trender says. Some of them gasp whereas others raise their eyebrows. "What's a defender?", Sally asks. "It's someone who can stop telepathic waves so no one can read or enter their mind, it's very rare though". "What's so special about that? Being a defender won't stop physical attacks", Jeff scoffs. Offender chuckles. "You're an idiot if you think she is normal girl cause she's far from it". "What is she then?", Masky asks. Slender buts in. "Like us she is a killer but she uh...". "She does *tick* what?", Tobi asks. "She eats them". "So she's a cannibal?", Ej questions. Slender nods. "By the way don't touch her or you will regret being born and don't eat anything she cooks". "Why?", Lj asks. "Trust me she is an amazing cook but as I said before she is a cannibal, you would be one too if she cooked for you everyday". The proxies nodded and went about their night.

You and Splendor were laying on your bed looking at photo albums. "Do you remember this one?", Splendor asks. You giggle and nod your head. "That's when we found those paint buckets and tipped one over Offenders head". We both giggled. "I can't believe you guys kept all this stuff", you say getting up and walking around the room. It was the same as you had left it 6 years ago. Splendor sighed. "Yes, it hurt too much to change it, it was all that we had left of you". You ran and hugged him. He was so sweet, you were so glad that you had come back home. Your embrace was interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. You turned and saw Slender standing in the doorway. You gave him a big smile and he just sighed. "Do you want me to teleport your stuff?", he asks. "Yes please". He nods his faceless head, disappears and then returns with all your stuff around him. "You can unpack in the morning, its best if you have some rest now". "Good night Slendy". "Er... yes good night child". Slender teleported and I sighed, looking down at the floor. Splendor put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring look. "I'm sure he'll come around". He then wished me a good night and left. I lay back on my bed and hugged my pillow. I really wished that he would but I knew that it would never happen. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.


A 6 year old girl skipped around the large mansion with a smile on her face. Four flowers were clutched tightly to her chest. The first person she went to see was Offender. She knocked on his bedroom door and slowly pushed it open. She found him laying on his bed reading. "Good morning Sweetie, what can I help you with today?", he asks. "I wanted to give you a flower". Offender takes a flower from her hand and gives her a smile. "Thank you Sweetie". The girl giggles and runs back out into the hallway. Next she was going to see Trender. She knew exactly where he would be. She ran down stairs and into the living room where she found Trender sitting on the couch, reading a magazine. The fashionable faceless man 'looked' up at her and 'smiled'. "Hello little butterfly". "Hello Trendy, I have a present for you", she says holding out a flower. "Its just as beautiful as you butterfly". The young girl smiled and skipped off to find the next person. She went outside and looked around until she found the man in the polka dot suit. "Hiya Princess", he greets with a warm smile. "Hello Splendy", she giggles. "Do you need help with something?", he asks. The girls shakes her head. "I want to give you something". She holds out the flower and Splendor takes it from her. "Thank you my pretty little princess". The girl blushes and leaves Splendor, beginning to look for the owner of the final flower. She went back inside and looked up at the big wooden door in front of her. She smiled down at the flower in her hands and then inhales its sweet scent. She then knocks on the door and pushes it open. Slender sat in his chair behind his desk. He 'looks' down at the small girl and sighs. "(Y/n) what do you want?". "I wanted to give you a flower", she says, offering the small flower to him. "(Y/n) I'm not in the mood for any of your stupid games, please leave". "But I wanted to giv-". "(Y/n) I said get out!". A tendril forcefully pushes her out of the office and slams the door. (Y/n) tripped and fell on her backside. She looked at the wooden door, quietly whimpering as her vision blurred with tears. She looked down at the flower in her hands and put it on the ground in front of the door. She then ran to her room and lay in her bed, sobbing quietly into her pillow.

Flashback end

I woke up with someone gently shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw Trender sitting next to me. "What's wrong?", I ask him. "I was about to ask you the same question, you were crying in your sleep". You reach up and touch your cheek, feeling the wetness of your tears. "Oh I didn't realize". "Butterfly please tell me why you were crying". "It was a dream... about the flowers". He hugged me and gently stroked my hair. "I know that Slender was very cold towards you but I'm sure he's changed,  he loves you just the same as we do".  All I remember was that. I fell asleep in Trender's arms with those words replaying in my mind. "He loves you just the same as we do". I would laugh in the face of anyone who said it, because no matter how many times they would tell me it would get better I knew that to Slender I was nothing.

Here is the second chapter. There is a bit of conflict between you and Slender. Sorry if people want reader to get with any of the Slender brothers it ain't happening. They are like your Dads so no, just no. Hope this is sufficient. Vote and follow me for more. Thank you XD

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