Shadow (The Clock)

Start from the beginning

He was going to get killed!

Quickly, I raced forwards, knowing that my strides were wide enough to catch him easily, then pried open my Tyrannosaurus jaws. That was the same second the paw came rushing down at Whiteclaw.


My jaw swiftly caught the herbivore by the neck just in time, and the foot stamp designed to kill Whiteclaw missed him by slim inches. My jaws snapped shut, and a horrible scream rose from the Tenontosaurus. As I squeezed tighter and tighter, the screams began to cease.

And then they stopped.

With a dead herbivore in my mouth, I glanced downwards at the still cowering Deinonychus. He lifted his eyes up, then let out a breath of relief, seeing a limp herbivore in my mouth.

"Your welcome," I teased. Whiteclaw frowned, now knowing that I had saved him twice, then muttered jokingly.

"I wanted to do that."

But suddenly, the neck I had crushed began to rise. began to change. My eyes widened as my jaws uncontrollably got pried open by the rising creature, and my clawed feet got dragged forwards. I

"Whiteclaw...." I shrieked in horror, "What's happening? What's happening?!"

I was no longer bending at my knees as it rose in size and strength, and a fearful face from Whiteclaw told me something horrible had come up. The orange scales turned to grey with black-ish lumps, and its four paws turned to two large three-toed feet and a pair of enormously long claws. Its tail stretched out and whipped awake to my right, and then, the changing stopped.

And the face of a Spinosaurus stared right at me, red-eyed, long snout, and a puff of steam.

"Oh no," I gasped in a muffled breath, still connected to his scales with my jaws. A huge roar from the carnivore made my heart skip a beat and flipped almost every organ in my body. As a reaction, I snapped my jaws upon his loose skin again, feeling black liquid drip out from weak little wounds from the bite. Out of nowhere, a huge claw from beneath me scrapped my belly, ripping away some skin off my body. In pain, I accidentally released my grip on him, and as a present of my actions, watched his other freed claw slam into the side of my bruised skull. The force was enormous, the claws dug into my scales nonetheless, but the strike literally threw me to my side. I crashed violently, then slid to a halt on the ground, watching my worst nightmare let out another powerful roar at me.

Fight! My mind screamed in a Thunder-like voice, Don't let him push you around! You are stronger than him!

I pushed up to my wobbly feet with a growl, then returned back with another huge roar. Steam flowered from my nostrils, and my beady eyes just shrunk upon my target. It moved to the side a bit, literally mocking the same circling movement as the skeletal Triceratops before, and strangely, I followed alongside. Both of our jaws hissed and spat, thundered and growled, about a few feet apart, where even I could taste every texture of its hideous breath. Both of us growled again, as if we were giving each other a chance to back down.

Neither of us did.

"You mess with my friends," I cocked my head from side to side, bounding my shoulders like Whiteclaw, before letting out a defiant roar, "You mess with ME!"

And then, us predators charged. My body and nostrils first collided into his, and it looked like a stalemate, a weird one in fact. I pushed with my snout, straight into his shoulders and neck, while he thrashed and swiped to back me down. After almost a minute of pushing, I noticed that I started gaining ground, especially in a way that I could continue pushing, that nothing was holding me back. That no injuries were sustained.

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