Chapter 55: Lily's dream

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Five seconds after Lily closed her eyes, she started dreaming. Two figures appeared, attacking each other with blasts of gray light. Mist swirled around them in a wispy miniature tornado. In the back of her mind, Lily recognized them as the two sisters - Theresa and Sophie. The grappled over a slightly familiar grassy field pitted with craters. In the chaos and dark - they were fighting during the night - Lily couldn't tell who had the upper hand.

In the back, four people stood watching. They were Lily and her friends. As the battle intensified, Sophie sent a bolt of gray light coursing through Theresa. The sorceress fell, trailing gray mist. As Sophie stood triumphant over her hopefully only unconscious sister, Lily ran to Theresa's side.

Lily sat straight up in bed, frozen with terror and confusion. Daylight streamed through the windows. Theresa was nowhere to be seen. She checked her alarm clock: 7:00AM.

Lily fixed herself some breakfast. As she ate, she couldn't take her mind off the dream. She hoped it was just something Sophie sent to scare Theresa off (not likely, but still) but somehow it held the ring of truth. And Lily didn't think it was just an effective threat. She speculated that Sophie had shown her sister a glimpse of the future. If so, then Lily was sure the defeat of Theresa would lead to Doomsday. She put her plate in the sink and snatched the computer disk off the bedside table.

Afterward, she paid a visit to Tara, who was eating her breakfast. She told her friend about Theresa in her room, and about the strange dream she'd had during the night.

Tara stared at the table. "So we're doomed, then?" "Not quite," Lily replied. She held up the computer disk and explained just how valuable it was.

"So all we need is a computer," Tara said. "Yes." Lily got up. "I want to read this as soon as possible. Because it'll take too much time to wake the others, I'll take you to my house. I have a computer in my room." "Why me?" Tara called after Lily as she left the room.

"Your room is closestto mine."

Two Worlds (Written by a 10-year-old author, 62,000 words, 72 chapters)Where stories live. Discover now