Chapter 28: More dwarves!

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Lily got out of bed and stretched. For the first time in a long while, she had gotten a good night's sleep. She made some pancakes and munched down breakfast. Soon she could greet Stacy, Tara, and Jake and start the day. There was a lot of work to do, setting things right, taking care of the dwarves, and possibly even building a new eastern tower. At least there are no more dwarves attacking us for now, Lily thought.

BANG! Startled, Lily dropped her glass of milk. The sounds of people screaming could be heard. Through the gigantic window, she could see a whole new army of dwarves marching over the northern wall rubble and into the central tower. Tara rushed out of her room. "Lily, hurry up!" she yelled. "Oh, no," Lily moaned, "more dwarves?"

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