Shouldn't Be Chapter 8

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((Violently tries to write a lot as an apology for a delayed chapter))

My mind went blank, not knowing what to do. I didn't think Ty would react that way. I'm not complaining, though. I twitched sometimes, Ty snuggling closer to my chest. I stayed awake as he murmured inaudible things. I didn't know who he walk talking to, but I was sure it wasn't me.

It started getting louder, more irritated. It sounded gargle-like similar to an Enderman. I don't know how he even makes that sound, but it sounded a lot like it. I noticed that his skin is turning even more peachy than purple everyday. He's slowly gaining his humanity instead of his amulet...ity...or something.

He stopped suddenly. I froze, trying my best to pretend I'm still sleeping. Fear rose up my chest as Ty untangled himself as I felt him stand up from the bed. I didn't know what he was going to do with my eyes still closed. My eyelids shook in uncertainty and curiosity, trying to peer slightly through a small crack.

I opened them a little more in shock, seeing him converse with an Enderman I've never noticed being in here. He sat at the stairs leading to the glistening Ender Portal while the Enderman stood in front of the door, motionless. Ty started speaking English again, but it was barely above a whisper. I closed my eyes quickly each time he'd glance at me carefully. Whatever he's talking to the Enderman about, he doesn't want me to know. Just knowing about their meetings makes me even more curious about what they talk about.

What about Ty makes him able to interact with Endermen? Was there a special ability my amulet could do, but I was never aware of it? I doubt it. I should've known something after having him around my neck for 18 years now.

I cracked my eyes open, seeing the Enderman approach Ty slowly and calmly. He laid a skinny hand on one of Ty's bracelets and said something in whatever you call the language Endermen speak. Ty just shook his head, repeatedly saying no quickly. The Enderman patted his head and raised his chin to wipe off incoming tears that dared to roll down Ty's cheeks. He said something rather motherly sounding. Ty sniffed and nodded, not wanting to speak. The Enderman patted away a purple blotch on his skin before teleporting out.

I pretended the somewhat loud teleportation woke me up. I opened my eyes, stretching and yawning for effect. I lifted my head and let it rest on my interlaced fingers as I retracted my stretch behind my head. I closed my eyes again, still giving Ty the illusion that I just woke up and I'm still sleepy. "Morning..." I tried to say in a raspy morning voice. "Morning!" I heard a smile in Ty's voice.

I sat up and rubbed my eye with one hand while feeling around the floor for my sunglasses with my other. Finding it, I quickly put it on my face, pushing it up to assure it's sticking to it. Feeling safe behind them, I opened my eyes, only needing my voice and actions to show my morning mood.

Ty slowly walked down the small set of stairs and gave me steak for breakfast. We both munched down on the not so luxury food, somewhat cold from being cocked yesterday, but we slightly heated it by hovering the meat over the lava. Ty was more quiet than usual, seeming so focused on anything but me or the portal. He picked at his purple bracelets often while glancing at the portal nervously. He refused to look at me and gave only curt answers each time I tried to start a conversation. I looked at him sadly in worry. I don't know what's going on, but seeing my amulet with such an unsafe look on their face hurts. I want my amulet feeling safe, happy, and provided for. Not because I like him in that way, but because I sincerely don't want him to be sad. Or have any negative emotion.

Ty took deep breaths as he wore a diamond helmet along with an iron set of armor. All I wore was a budder helmet and chest plate. I equipped myself with a budder sword. Ty was about to use an iron sword, but I stopped him and crafted a diamond one. We planned to save it till we get enough for a chest plate, but I wanted him to have as much defense as possible.

Ty moved and took his time as slowly as possible. He seemed reluctant about going in the ender portal, but agreed to go anyways. "You don't have to if you don't want to." I stated as we dug around our inventory in silence. Ty stopped what he was doing and gave me a confused look. I glanced at him. "You don't have to jump through the portal." I explained. Ty paused. "No, it's okay. I can go." He smiled and quickly went back to what he was doing. "Are you sure?" I pushed it a little more. "Yes I'm sure." Ty said quickly without any emotion in his voice.

We crafted a chest and left belongings we didn't want to drop behind. I walked up the stairs, glancing Ty's way frequently a she took 1 step every 10,000 years. I waited for him at the top, looking down at the static looking portal. "Jump?" I said as Ty finally reached the top. There was a long silence and a quiet gulp broke it. "Jump." He said as he leaped into the portal. I jumped after him, the world loading before my eyes.

The dark static sky stood still above us, Endermen everywhere. The wandered and looked around aimlessly. I kept my eyes narrowed. I didn't want to have a conflict with any eye contact. I noticed Ty looked around wherever he pleased, not even caring about making eye contact with an Enderman. Before I could cover his eyes to avoid the creepy screeching sound of angry Endermen, he made eye contact with one and nothing happened. The Enderman simply turned away and shrugged him off as if he were any other ender.

There was a distant roar along with a strong flap of wings. I immediately turned around and used cobblestone to make a bridge from our island to the actual land. I mined a little hole for us to squeeze in in panic as the dragon approached, mouth gaping and ready to attack. Before it could bite us, it flew up, knowing it couldn't harm us while we were in the hole.

I dug up to the surface and narrowed my gaze, avoiding any eye contact. Ty looked around, careless. This was a bad idea. I walked for a bit and dug down a little stair case and a room. I placed a couple torches that lit the room. Ty followed me curiously. "Stay here. I'll take care of the dragon." I said. "Wait, but-" Ty started. "No. I don't want you hurt."

"No you don't understand, I-"

"I'm not letting you go get hurt."

"Adam, listen-"

"No, you listen. You're staying here."

"I don't have to-"


I started feeling like a parent of some sort. I left him in the room as I went to the nearest obsidian pillar, stacking up cobblestone from our mining trip. Getting up top, I broke the beacon and saved the cobble stone by mining my way back down. I accidentally looked at 2 Endermen while the dragon was swooping down from behind. I ran as fast as I could which was pointless since they can teleport and the dragon is way faster than me. I jumped out of the way before the Enderdragon could hit me. I killed the 2 Endermen, though it was quite difficult since they teleported often.

I tried stacking cobblestone again to get up a different pillar, but I seem to have made eye contact without knowing it, hearing screeching static sound become louder and louder. I was knocked off my stack, an Enderman teleported to me. I fell flat on my back, the air knocked out if me. I laid motionless, dazed and in pain. I heard a flap of wings nearby and the beacon above beamed, connecting to the nearby dragon. Sure I can just respawn, but that doesn't mean death isn't painful.

Something deflected the dragon. It fell down with a earth quaking thump and ended with a scrape. Another set of wings entered my range of vision. It was significantly smaller and instead of grey inside the wings, it was purple. I rolled to my side, a painful groan escaping my lips. I lifted my head and looked up at whoever defended me.

He had headphones now glowing purple at the center. His wings expanded in defense. His skin faded from peach to black scales at his neck and upper arms. Significantly darker brown hair was swept to a side of his face, covering one eye. The visible eye glowed purple, much like an Enderman.

I didn't want to believe it was him. I told him to stay in the cave. It can't be him. He isn't like that. He isn't...

((COUGH SORRY FOR UPDATING SO LATE and I'm currently posting at school pfff))

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