•Chapter 6: Into the light •

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Chapter 6: Into the light

His eyes scanned over the words on the board blankly. He isn't reading or understanding them, they're simply just patterns forming a sentence, holding a very vivid memory.

He squint his eyes shut when sudden light fell over his eyes. He peaked through his hand he used as a shield to find Drew with his signature smug expression. Drew turned off the flashlight as he approached the raven haired lad.

"Of course, you'd be here." He scoffed, accompanied with a chuckle.

Zayn rolled his eyes, muttering curses under his breath. He needed to clear his mind and Drew being an assh*le wasn't helping in any way.

"I'm in no mood for your bullsh*t." He replied nonchalantly, turning to face the old church. He recalls the first time he came here with Liam, the day Jerry and May got married. He doesn't knows why he's here, but it was the first place that came to his mind.

Drew, on the other hand, couldn't give two sh*ts about Zayn's condition. He brushes off his comment, already used to Zayn's behavior. He tsk at Zayn in disappointed, "I thought I'd be greeted by the news of Simon's funeral." He shook his head dramatically. Zayn ignored the lad, taking in a deep breath. 

"Oooohh the ' silent treatment '-" Drew air quoted before moving forward, "- wanna hear a great news?. "

"Enlighten me."

"Simon wasn't Liam's murderer, it was someone else." Zayn's eyes shot up. ' So he wanted to use me to get his revenge? ' Zayn realised as his fists curled up into balls.

"Made a mistake there. Oops." Drew shrugged carelessly.

"Who?" Zayn asked, referring to Liam's actual murderer.

"Still unknown. Just another psychotic case... Like yourself-" he mocked, earning a glare, "-He's been reported for 13 murders, using the weirdest weapons. But do you know he has a favorite?-" he pulled out a few pictures of the victims, "- a screwdriver. "

"Have a look-" he showed him the pictures of the victims as Zayn stood stiff, "-he's so ruthless, one can't even make out who is who's brother and who is who's husband ." He said this stopping right at the picture of Liam. A jab went right through Zayn's heart when he saw the picture.

"Did I just see anger there? Aren't you boiling with rage ?-" He rested a hand over Zayn's shoulder, "-but just remember, just like you didn't let me have my revenge, I won't let you have yours as well. Tit for Tat ." he says smugly before walking towards his car.

He turned back around on his way, "We'll see who wins-" he points to Zayn "-your love for Liam or my hate for you." He salutes him before sitting in his car and driving away.

Zayn doesn't give two flying f*cks about this game Drew's playing. He had more important matters at hand, and right now, the only thing in his mind was to find out who this murderer is.

A gentle breeze caresses his face making him closed his eyes.


"I want to help you complete your wishes." Zayn told him. He was never the one to beat around the bush, he liked keeping it straight and simple. Liam sighed as he placed his helmet on the bike.

"Wanna hear a joke?" Liam asks as he walked towards Zayn. Zayn nods, earning a chuckle from Liam.

"Never mind, I don't want to. You're hearing me just because you're sorry for me, ain't it?"  Zayn was taken aback.

Liam smiled genuinely, knowing there's nothing wrong with it, "Thank you, I don't want that." He told him as he adjusted his backpack. "I've breathed the air that I needed to breathe. Now I'm just going  with the flow of winds to breathe the remaining." He says pulled over his hood.

"I want to help you not just because I'm sorry for you, I know you don't want sympathy but because I want peace in my life again." Zayn explained earning a confused look from Liam.

"My father had a habit of gambling." Zayn started, earning Liam's attention, "cards, soccer, poker, he'd gamble over anything." Zayn avoided Liam's gaze, his eyes fixated at the board infront of him.
"And one day, while losing one, he gambled on his life." 

He finally met Liam's eyes, "I was eight when they killed my parents. Infront of my eyes." Liam listened with all seriousness and attention.

"One by one, they shot them, right infront of my eyes. I hid under the bed, scared for my life. I didn't do anything to save them." His voice held regret. He was ashamed for not fighting back for his parents. Their emotionless faces flashes infront of eyes as he felt his heart become heavy all of a sudden. He continued nonetheless.

"After that, I was offered support, but I craved revenge. And one day, I got it." The picture of his young self holding a gun for the first time flashed in his mind. Simon beside him, his hands were shaking and sweaty. "I killed them. One by one, just like how they killed my parents. I thought that at least now I'd be at peace, I'd finally be able to sleep, but I was wRoNg. It just fueled the fire inside me."

He paused for a moment, contemplating his thoughts, "But... But the day I helped you and Jerry, I slept. I... I felt at peace-"  he frowned, confused as he met Liam's gaze, "-Why?"

Liam paused for a moment as if putting his thoughts into words before he replied," Because it was the first time you did something for someone else. "

"Just like how darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that, same way, hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." He quotes Martin Luther King. "The eight year old you is still hiding under that bed. He's still afraid of the world. He just needs a hand to help him out of that dark little corner to the brighter side." Zayn averted his gaze. He felt a little exposed, he never talked or shared his past with anyone before. The only people who know about him is Simon and Louis.

Liam sensed his discomfort and decided to end it all with a brief, "We heal when we learn to share our pain." Liam smiled raising his eyebrows with a shrug. 


Peep the Mind Of Mine song references😂💕

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