• Chapter 4: Your Death Glare Of Enough To Scare Away Vampires •

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Chapter 4: Your Death Glare Is Enough To Scare Away Vampires

"To help out people in love.."

"He doesn't have any wishes for himself ?" Zayn asked as he scanned the files of another one of his missions.

Louis shrugged pulling a face as he scanned through the pages of the journal, "There are some, but they all are really weird."

"Like?" Zayn asked without looking up from the file.

"To drive the batcar." Louis deadpans as a point while Zayn fought the urge to laugh. He motioned Louis to read further, "-to do underwater diving, to do bungee jumping, To be famous for a day...-" he rants before he raised an eyebrow, "To save someone's life-" he smirked before adding, "-with a picture of you."

He laughed at the statement, "As if someone could even imagine to kill you. Your death glare is enough to scare away vampires." He jokes before tossing the journal on the couch, "This was full of sh*t."

He stretched himself before leaving the room to get some sleep. The room was semi dark, the only light source being the lamp near Zayn, and the window. Zayn had stopped writing whatever he was writing after hearing what Louis said. His mind was occupied with several thoughts, and the main thought in his mind was to push Liam away before he crosses his borderz. He had already made a mistake by ignoring Zedd, and although he hates the guy's guts, he doesn't want another lecture from Louis.

Picking up the journal from the couch, he walked outside the room. He's going to return his journal back and then they're back on their ways. This what he was going to do, or what he thought to do, at least.

He pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialed Niall.

Meet Niall Horan, their master mind

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Meet Niall Horan, their master mind. He could find out the locations, hideouts or heck even the phone passwords with a few taps on his laptop. The guy's a genius.

"Yea?" Niall's muffled voice spoke through the phone. Zayn assumed that the blond head must be having a snack while answering the phone.

"Get me the location of Liam Payne." He told the Irish lad as he settled inside his Cadillac.

"Yea, jus' a second' " Niall replied as he tapped on his keyboards munching over his chips.

"Found it!" He chirped in his Irish accent. Zayn turned his vehicle on, throwing the diary on the back seat.

"I've texted you the address, let me know when you leave that location and do you want to keep this location in the record?"

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