"Oh, yeah?! Say it to my ass old pimp."

"Why can't you be like Feliciano? A nice, diligent, student," he continued. Oops, here it is.

"Sorry, I'm not made of sugar like my dumbfounded goody-two-shoes Fratello and C'mon! He's like what? A toddler? And don't even get me started with Antonio and his 'pleasing' personality like, do you even bother to know that he's into fights more than me?"

He smiled at me, but that smile soon faded into a serious stare. "I see... So you think you are so high and mighty that you could talk back like that, huh? Is that what you think? You think you talk business with your old man... So naïve." he said while shaking his head.

"Then, if that's what you think, I'll give you options! Option 1: I'll let you be, but don't expect me to let you into the soccer team or in the school again. To be simple, if you take the first option, you're banned and kicked out of the soccer team and to the school permanently and immediately right after you pick the first option. Or option 2: I'll let you continue to join the soccer team, but you're not allowed to attend practices and you may attend this school. Plus! If you passed your grades and if you try not to be a daily visitor of the detention hall within a month or two, I'll grant you an 80% allowance increase and your own Ferrari. You'll be going to have a tutor instead and she has great statistics academically and physically in her past school." I stared at him wide-eyed because of what I've just heard.

 What the hell? I don't want to have dumb tutorial sessions with some new bitch. I have no choice but to pick up the second option with a scowl on my face. Fine! I know I am right and I'll show it to him.

As I walked down to the parking lot and hopped inside Antonio's car. The sudden thought of my new tutor entered my mind.

"Who could that be? Bet she's hot." I thought, smirking to myself. I chuckled lightly.

"Hey what's with that chuckle, Lovi?" Antonio said while driving.

"Shut up and drive, asshole. None of your business."

"I'm just asking." He shrugged from his seat and released an awkward laugh.

It's just about an hour and a half but god it felt like an eternity... I arrived at our house feeling exhausted. Man, Toni just didn't know how to shut it. Like, man, yeah, he turned himself into a pickle. Funniest shit you've ever seen, haha, I get it. It's not funny the first time but the fiftieth time won't make it better. If you are with this guy, there are two ways to die. It's you'll die out of boredom or you'll have to kill yourself in order to escape his infinite stories that have no end.

Meanwhile, Feliciano ran towards me and Toni. The boy hugged both me and Toni with a big smile painted on his face. Ah yes, this little guy is just too adorable, maybe a little annoying when he's had way too many sweets but... He and my sister are the only ones that felt like family to me and I just want them to be alright. It's like a brother's instinct, y'know?

"Where's Elizaveta, Feli?" Toni asked while he carried Feliciano onto his shoulder.

"Oh, Ms. Lizzie's in the living room with Gil!" He said cheerfully, pointing where the living room is.

"That's the reason he's hurried to leave detention," I interjected.

"Lovino! Watch your language!" Toni growled while covering Feli's ears.

We proceeded to the living room where we saw Gil and Liz sitting in front of the T. V. cuddling and kissing each other. Oh, for fuck's sake, there is a literal child in here. Get a room. They didn't notice us. Well, this show is not for you, kiddo. I thought as I quickly covered my brother's eyes.

"But Lovi, I wanna see!"


"Hey! You two! Could you please get a room!"

Liz pulled out from Gil's grasp and apologized. Then, after apologizing, she grabbed Gil by the collar and dragged him along until they finally left the house.

Yeah, that's right, shoo.

"Hey, you jerk bastard! Go get some food and stick it in our face holes!"

"But Lovi, we have maids for that," He protested and plastered a puppy dog expression on his face.

"No buts! Just do it already! Prepare pasta for us!" I retorted. That trick ain't have any effect on me. " Did you forget that the maids and all the other servants are on vacation? The old man says that they needed a break from our bratty attitude."

"Ugh, fine. Okay. " Toni said in defeat and then droops inside the kitchen.

(...) PoV:

"Hey, Clara! Are you ready?" My older sister said carrying her baggage. I smiled and nodded enthusiastically. I stood up and carried my things.

~time skip~

"So, are you excited about your new school? I heard that Gakuen Academy was a great school." my sister said smiling while fixing her seat beside me.

"Yeah, I heard it too that Gakuen is one of the world's highest-ranking schools! I'm very nervous though. Maybe that school was filled with rich kids."I chuckled lightly while fumbling the wires of my headphones nervously.

"Aww. Don't be so nervous sis! You can do it! You'll slay it, I'm very sure that you can keep up with those bloody rich brats! But by now just relax and enjoy the flight. I'll Wake you up when we get there."

"Okay, but you looked more excited than I am," I said jokingly.

{UNDER EDITING}Ti Amo, I Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now