11.1: The Mating Ritual

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"Hold your horses! I got one more question! Which is... so hard to ask. Um... what happens after you perform? You know... what comes... out...?" Lindsay eyed Areiv's slit, her cheeks aching harder than they ever had.

"A-Are you referring to... when I release my substance?"

"Um... yeah. Will that... hurt me?"

"Will it hurt you?"

"Yeah. I'm a hundred percent sure that this will be the first time an Esperian has performed with a human. So, how do you know if your substance won't burn me or something like that?"

"Ah. Research states that an Esperian substance is equally gentle as your Earth water. If it still troubles you, I simply will not release my substance."

"What...? You can do that?"

"Earthlings cannot?"

"Well... if it's too good, no. But, if you say it's safe, then you don't have to do that."

"Very well. I would... like to remove your garments, myself. I-If you do not object." Areiv stumbled. Lindsay bit her lip in excitement and nodded consent as the alien let his quivering hands drift over her waist, fingering the material of her shirt. Lindsay leaned in and gave him a hard kiss; she figured it would take his mind off his nervousness, and was glad it worked: Areiv sighed out his approval and ran his hands underneath her shirt, caressing the soft skin. Lindsay placed her hands on his exposed chest, allowing her fingers to wander, the strange coolness made her caress him further as her fingers trailed down to his stomach, generating a subdued gasp from the alien. Areiv was the first to release the kiss, and he looked at the woman, breathless.

"Oh," Lindsay removed her hands. "I can't touch you?"

"No, yes. Please... it feels... quite wonderful. As does your skin." Areiv's hands brushed over her breasts, and it was Lindsay's turn to grow breathless. She held her arms up as Areiv removed her shirt and he gazed at Lindsay's body. "So... beautiful. Shall we move to my sleeping quarters?" he asked. Lindsay looked aside slightly, weighing in the Baron's remarks.

"You... you think I'm beautiful?"

"Why, yes. It appears I am not the only one on this planet who considers such." Areiv gave her a comforting smile. Lindsay's chuckle developed into a generous laugh as Areiv lifted her from the sofa and carried her into his bedroom. As he laid her on the bed, Areiv studied the woman, a smile spreading across his face. The Baron didn't lie; Areiv thought Lindsay was a lovely creature. She rose to remove the piece of clothing that hugged her breasts; the Baron had no idea what it was, but he delighted in how they spilled out. The alien leaned down, recalling his offer and removed the human's pants; an additional piece of clothing came off along with her pants and Areiv noticed a damp spot in them. He glanced at Lindsay, who looked aside in embarrassment.

"I guess... that don't happen to Esperian women..."

"No. You have created a mess..."

"T-That's normal," Lindsay rushed as he continued to undress her. "That's a sign that I'm... turned o... eager," she explained. Areiv gave her a slight smile as he returned to caressing her body. Her skin was soft and warm to the touch; the Baron wanted to caress her throughout the evening. His attention veered to the patch of hair below her waist and brushed his fingers over it. Lindsay gave out a small whimper which caused Areiv to shoot her an apologetic glance. "D-Don't you dare say it." Lindsay guided his hand further until his fingers rested at her sex.

Areiv's instinct was to investigate the new region as he casually stroked his fingers against it, shocked to sense the start of moisture gather on his fingertips. As he probed more to find the source of the wetness, both gasped as the alien gradually worked a finger inside; the cool stark compared to the sudden warmth. He wasn't used to the sensation but Areiv didn't mind it; he recalled that humans were warm-blooded creatures and their body temperature was immense compared to any other species in that galaxy. The heat mixed with the moisture the woman produced as he pressed his finger further excited the Baron.

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