4.2: Breakfast

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She sat at the table with her food in the dining facility. She could've remained in her room and ate the Earth food she kept in her refrigerator. But, after befriending Agnab, Snil, Ona and Naeco, the aliens got Lindsay to try Bunodic dishes. The commissary that morning served Ajom: Buno's most well-known dish; Lindsay found herself hooked. She didn't dare question what was in it; although she would have no idea! All she knew was that the leafy, dull red salad dish was delightful.

"You enjoy Bunodic cuisine as well." the Baron's kind voice had a tinge of awe. Lindsay jumped at Areiv's voice and turned towards him. She wiped her mouth as her cheeks ached from embarrassment.

"B-Baron! Wha-"

"Please... call me Areiv. Only the royal court and followers call me 'Baron'. I see none around here." he smiled directly at Lindsay.

"Oh... okay."

"May I join you?"

"Uh... um, yeah; sure..." she stammered. Areiv sat beside her and Lindsay took notice of his plate: a generous portion of Ajom accompanied with a gooey green substance.

Lindsay stole a glimpse at him, getting ready to open her mouth to ask questions. Something made her stop as she examined him. She had to admit that he was rather attractive for an alien. The idea made her blush once again, and she stared back at her plate of food. Lindsay remembered what Agnab mentioned to her. Nearly every species of female in the galaxy had fallen for the Baron's looks and demeanor. The Olenion believed many simply wished to become Lady of Esperia and was the primary motive for their interest in him. Agnab informed her that the Baron needed a mate before the title of Royal Magistrate passed on to him: Emuh's rule was drawing near an end.

Lindsay made an effort to wave the thoughts out of her head. While he was handsome, so were a few members on the Earth team. She didn't pursue any of them; why try with anyone else? She was happily married. She would have to put whatever feelings she had for anyone at bay and stick with being platonic, no matter how long they would be on the planet.

"If you enjoy Ajom, then you would surely love the food on Esperia." his words snapped her train of thought. Lindsay smirked and nodded.

"You're pretty confident about that."

"Yes. It is the finest." Areiv nodded. Lindsay laughed and nodded towards his plate.

"That green stuff. That's from Esperia?"

"Yes. This is called dworl. It is commonly consumed by itself. However, there is no harm in combining it with your meal. You must taste it; it works well with Ajom." he didn't wait for Lindsay to refuse or answer. Before she could blink, his spoon aimed at her lips, a tiny sample on the end of it. She didn't want to seem rude so Lindsay sampled and an instant effect of licking her lips took place.

"Oh... oh, wow! It's kinda sweet. It's like... jelly. This would go good on some toast!" her approval made the Baron smile.

"I do not know what toast is but I will assume that it is a good thing. As well as edible."

"That's right. I keep forgetting that this is literally a brand-new world. You guys don't know what grains and stuff are."

"Afraid not. I would have to research to see if we have anything related to your... grains and stuff." Areiv offered her a warm smile. Lindsay laughed.

"Thanks for the sample. I honestly don't know if I'd ever get a chance to visit Esperia. But, if I do, you gotta give me at least a jar of that dworl!" she smiled. Areiv returned the smile and nodded.

"That can be arranged. As well as your visit. Whenever you have the time." he surprised her yet again. Lindsay stared at him. She didn't expect an actual response from him.

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