Chapter 46

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3rd person's pov.

"It change? Why?" Tsuna ask curiosly.

"Because now they know that your alive. They gonna see you die. And You and I both know that whatever the Arcobaleno's will do, They can't stop the curse. Because only you can do that." Kawahira was done explaining to Tsuna.

Tsuna look down at the floor holding the sky pacifier in his neck. He tightly hold it and look at Kawahira.

"Then you say I'm the last bearer right?" Tsuna ask kawahira nod.

"Then that means no one shall experience this curse in the future??" Tsuna ask, Kawahira sigh.

"Yes, No one. The Pacifier will return to its original form the Tri-ni-set and 2 people is destined to protect it with their life. It will also past along within their descendant, Thus if they will have a descendant." Kawahira stated.

"Who are this 2? and why is the Tri-ni-set is that important?" Tsuna ask.

"It should be 3 people. Its you, Byakuran, and Yuni. But since you were going to disappeared along with the curse there are only two people. And as for your second question, the Tri-ni-set is a power that keeps the balance of every universe check in place. Without it the balance of the Universe shall crumble and be destroyed. Darkness shall take over and soon one Universe and another slowly disappeared until the Tri-ni-set shall be revive again." Kawahira explain.

"No way...." Tsuna said as he look down . The wind blow towards his face and hair,the waves of the ocean was the one thing that broke there silence. Now

Tsuna understand everything. Every single thing happen to his life has a purpose, and this purpose is to be the last bearer of the curse. The last person who's gonna carry the curse. "So this is my destiny " Tsuna thought as he place a sad smile within his face.

"I'm sorry though if this all happen to you. I'm sorry if your gonna suffer like this.I'm sorry for everything I've done." Kawahira said as he look down.

Tsuna shook his head. "No, Its fine. I understand you did all of that because Mom (Luce) and Aria-nee ask you to, Its perfectly fine." Tsuna said as he grip the orange pacifier in his hands, "Beside I'm glad that I'm the last bearer because if its someone else, Some other sky elements, I think I can't see my other fellow sky die in my eyes. Its ok me would die rather than them." Tsuna said as he look at the sky imagining the smile of his fellow sky like Giotto, Dino, Yuni and Byakuran.

Kawahira chuckle.

"You know, Usually people who will in your situation will do anything to live, will do anything to survive. I'm surprise at your presence that you just accept you faith and let it be like that." Kawahira said.

Tsuna softly smile. "Are you saying I should change my faith?"

"I didn't say that." Kawahira argue.

"But either way, Its my Faith and destiny. So I can't really change what suppose to happen. " Tsuna said then he lean his back to the tree and stare at the sky fill with clouds.

"Beside, even if I disappeared, the sky will always there. The sky is always there to accept them all." Tsuna said with a smile.

Kawahira smile back as he look at the sky too.

"Sepira, The True sky said the samething as you. He said the samething as you said that the sky will always there even the sky elements will disappeared. I wonder if that's true? Can there be another sky, another person who is kind and soft as Tsunayoshi will live after he perish? " Kawahira thought sadly.

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