Chapter 32

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3rd person's pov.

"Master!" I-pin declare happily with a smile and got the Infant and place the Infant infront of Tsuna.

Both of them froze and didn't know what todo. They just stare at each others eyes and be frozen not knowing there pacifier was glowing brightly.

"Ts-Tsu-Tsuna?" Fon said as he regain he shock a bit. Tsuna lean down and Pat Fo's head. He look at I-pin again.

"I-pin? Is he your brother? He looks cute." Tsuna said with a smile.

"No his not Tsuna-nii. His Master." I-pin said.

Tsuna blink once or twice before shrieking. "HHHHIIIEEE? Are you serious? Yo-you-Your-Fon-nii?" Tsuna said in surprise.

Fon just blink and smile at Tsuna. "Nice to see you again Tsuna. How are you? What happen? Why are you alive? How?"

Tsuna scratch his back hair before murmuring "Why does everyone I met that's there first question?"

But then he gaze at Fon again. "I'll explain later. But what happen to you? Why did you turn infant?" Tsuna ask.

"Tsuna? What is that?" Takeshi ask as he notice Tsuna's chest glowing. Tsuna got the pacifier out that was hidden in his cloths hanging in his neck.

"Oh? This is something important. I got this as a birthday Present from her." Tsuna said as he look at his pacifier Glowing.

"But why is it Glowing like that Juudaime?"

"I du know,"

Fon look at Tsuna then Jump in Tsuna's head to set it comfortably. "It always glow when a holder of the pacifier will be close to each other. Yo stop it glowing just lit it with your flames and it will stop." Fon explain, Tsuna nod and do it and his eyes widen.

"That was cool" Tsuna said.

"Yeah, I agree." Takeshi said.

"Tsk, Teme.. You agree on everything." Hayato said as he roll his eyes.

"Hn. Herbivores, Omnivore, Your crowding."

"Sorry Kyoya." Tsuna said while politely bowing.

"Hm~ Nice yo see you again, Kyoya." Fon said.

Tsuna look up at Fon. "You know him?"

"Hm. Both him and Alaude are my Nephew." Fon explained calmly.

"HHHEEEH?" Hayato, Takeshi and Tsuna(But Tsuna's voice is more like a girl) Said in surprise.

There are silent before Hayato spoke.

"I Can't believe both Bastards have a infant uncle!" Hayato said.

"Maa~ Maa~ Atleast this infant is well not hate crowding or don't bite/arrest us to death." Takeshi said smiling.

"Truth." Hayato agree.

"Hey? What's going on?" Kyoko said.

"We have no Idea what's happening." Hana stated.

"Tsk, Its not your business so go away." Hayato said.

"Maa~Maa~ Calm down haya-chan don't be rude to the girls."


Tsuna on the other hand went beside Kyoya followed by I-pin and Fon was up in his head.

Tsuna say down beside Kyoya, Kyoya on the other hand didn't mind. Tsuna sigh heavily. Fon jump and look at Tsuna.

"Tsuna?" Fon said full of worried but then there's a hint in his eyes that he was happy.

"Fon-nii?" Tsuna said full of sad-yet happy voice.

"Can you now answer my question? How did your survive? How are you alive? The burn body we found on the mansion matches you? Ho-how is that?" Fon ask.

Tsuna sigh. A long silent was made before he look at the sky. "Well..."

Tsuna started to explained what happen to him, and what Dino told him happen to the Arcobaleno with two different stories. Tsuna then told that he don't know what truly happen but one thing is for sure, Luce and Aria was dead thanks to Kawahira's Genius Plan.

After the story, Kyoya was releasing A deadly K.I which I-pin was so scared she hug Tsuna tightly. Fon was releasing a deadly K.I too but he calm hisself down because he saw his student which was I-pin was start to be scared. Tsuna on the other hand look down at his legs and was about to cry but he held his emotion back. He breath In heavily and breath out as a heavily sigh.

"Tsuna, were sorry if you suffer like that, I'm sorry that we-"

Tsuna cut Fon. "Its fine Fon-nii, not of them are any of the Arcobaleno's fault. We should not really worry about the past. We should worry about the future." Tsuna said as he gave a sad smile and Pat Fon's head. "I'm happy though, I'm happy that you guys don't hate me. I'm happy to see you once again Fon-nii." Tsuna said now giving a warm gentle smile.

Tsuna felt I-pin hug his waist more tightly. "Tsuna-nii, We miss you. We miss you very much. Your cooking, Your playing with us, Our sparring and most of all your beautiful smile. Master and everyone else miss you very Much." I-pin said with a tear came from her eyes.

Tsuna smile and wipe those tears away. "I'm here, I'm now here. But I can't still live with you all. But the important is I'm here." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Tsuna-nii. Promise us that you won't leave us again." I-pin said.

Tsuna look down before giving a weak smile. "I can't promise that....... Someday, I'll leave this world and who knows where I'll be. But as long as I live, I will promise that I won't leave again."

"Then The promised is accepted." I-pin said with a smile and then hug Tsuna tightly. Tsuna hug I-pin too.

"Tsuna? Can I ask you another question?"

"Yes Fon-nii?"

"Did any of the Arcobaleno's Know this? Know your existence?" Fon ask.

"Dino and.... No one else." Tsuna said but then his still thinking. "Oh, The marshmallow Freak knows too."

"MarshmallowFreak?" Fon ask.

"Yeah, Byakuran Gesso A.k.A the marshmallow Freak "

Kyoya and Fon both froze on there spots. Tsuna look at them curiously before calling their names.

"Kyoya? Fon? Are the both of You ok?"


"Kyoya? Fon-nii?"

Tsuna started to snap his finger infront of them.

Kyoya grab his two shoulder suddenly. Tsuna look Kyoya confuse.

"Omnivore, Say that name again."


Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoy 😊😊

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