Chapter 17

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3rd person's Pov 

Next day,Giotto was surprise on what Hayato told him about Tsuna being so smart. Hayato even showed the perfect Math score of Tsuna. Even Kurosawa Hana the genius girl in their class just got 89% on the test which leds Tsuna be areally genius. Hayato even said thst Tsuna knows how to speak Italian and some weird Language. 

Hayato and Takeshi reported that all to Giotto when Elena was there listening.

"Can Tsuna speak Russian?" Elena ask.

"Elena don't tell me you will-"

"What choice do we have Giotto? None of us can speak Russian only Italian. We need atleast one person who can speak Russian within this negotiation." Elena said.

Well. Elena had report about the Vixiento Famiglia was doing an illegal business in Namimri. Despite its a small town Kyoya and Alaude doesn't manage to find there hideout. Elena had heard from her bastard father that Vixiento Famiglia is using Namimori as a cover up for illegal weapons business. Since Namimori known as a peaceful place it a perfect hiding place too.

"But Elena, Tsuna doesn't know about this whole thing. I don't want him to be involved." Giotto stated.

"But soon or later he will found out about this eventually, Secrets can't be keepforever secrets Giotto. You shold tell him." Elena stated

At that time Tsuna was walking in th hall which he got the attention that Giotto's office door was open slightly.

"No, We won't let him involved." Gioto said. 

"No we need Giotto. And if your brother is the key then it shall be." Elena was walking now eady to existed Giotto's office when she open the door she had met with a brunet passing by.

"You?"Elena called and Tsuna look at Elena with those emotionless cold voice.

"Are you giotto"s Brother?" 

Tsuna just nod.

"Can you speak Russian?" 

Tsuna nod.

"You want me to negotiate with someone?" Tsuna ask with those monotone voice.

"Yes, Your a perfect help." Elena stated happily.

"I don't mind." Tsuna said as he attempts to walk away but stop with an hands hold his wrist Tsuna turn around and meet up with Giotto.

"Tsuna?" Giotto called with eyes filled with worried.

"Giotto don't worry its going to be find. Maybe you should tell Tsuna about everything." Elena stated as he tap Giotto's shoulder. Giotto look at Tsuna.

"Tsuna? I need to tell you something.." Giotto said.

"Its better if your gonna tell me after I'll do the ladies Favor." Tsuna stated monotonely.

"Oh? Call me Elena Tsuna, Its fine." Elena stated.

Tsuna nod and walk away going to his room to get some rest.

Giotto glared at Elena who just smiled.



"Elena! Why did you did that?" Demon said as he heard the news about Tsuna is the one who shall negotiate with Vixiento Famiglia. 

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