Chapter 18

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3rd person's pov

Tsuna wake up because Giotto did wake him up gently. He just realize that it was already afternoon. 1;56 pm. Tsuna did say sorry he oversleep and Giotto said it was ok. Tsuna quickly take a bath and fixhisself. Giotto gave him a formal attire because today is the day he will have a negotiation with someone else in Namimori somewhere. 

Once he was done he saw Alaude and Kyoya on the living room and Giotto too was there. Tsuna sigh. "Its ok if you won't do this Tsuna." Giotto said.

"Its fine Giotto-nii." Tsuna stated.

"Ok then, Are you ready?"Giotto said.

Tsuna just nod as a yes.

Together they went to a black limousine and the driver drove them into somewhere. Tsuna was silent all along and was staring at the window boringly. He was bored, and all he will did is really assisted Giotto for some things like this.

They arrive in a perfect abandon mansion that they just fix some here and there for this purposely matter. Its like they are expecting this building to be ruin the next few hours.

Once the car had stop, Giotto went off first and G before Tsuna. Tsuna look the entire building and sigh once more.

"Are you really ok Tsuna?" Giotto ask. Tsuna nod and look at Giotto seriously."You should be alerted, this structure will be broken a few hours from now." Tsuna stated before looking in a man infront of them.

G, Giotto, Alaude and Kyoya look at Tsuna in disbelief.

"Privet, gospoda? Vy, rebyata, novyye pokupateli oruzhiya?" The man ask

Translation: Hello sirs? Are you guys the new buyers of the weapons?" 

Tsuna nod and look at the man. "Vy slishkom molody, chtoby kupit' takoye oruzhiye?"

Translation: Are you too young to buy such a weapons?

"Ne sudite knigu po oblozhke" Tsuna Said in monotone voice.

Translation: Don't judge the book by its cover.

The man look at Tsuna with an amazing eyes before nodding a walk infront of him.

"Tsuna what he'd say?" Giotto ask/

"He'll show us the weapons that we suppose to be buying."Tsuna stated, Giotto nod in acknowledgement.

Once the 4 of them end up in a room that is a bit old but its cleared that they just fix the so-called building because of meeting like this. Tsuna and the others was offer a sit which Tsuna insisted and say that he wants to see the weapons. One of the man run off but when he came back he was carrying a big suitcase. They showed Tsuna the weapons but before Tsuna could touch one of them the man look at him.

"Skazhi mne, pochemu ty deystvitel'no khotel eto oruzhiye?" The man look like the leader ask.

Translation: Tell me, Why did you really want this weapons?

"Ubit' kogo-to, yasno li eto?" Tsuna said.

Translation: To kill someone, Is in it obvious?

"Togda kak naschet togo, chtoby prisoyedinit'sya k nashey sem'ye?" The man said.

Translation: Then how about join our famiglia?

"Pochemu ya dolzhen?" Tsuna ask.

Translation: Why Should I?

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