CHPT1: Five Long Years

Start from the beginning

"But when did you last see him?" It was my turn to ask questions.

"A little less than five years ago I guess," She answered.

"What happened to him?" I could hear the tension in my own voice.

"Well," Calypso began. "We had just run into an old Godling friend of mine from before I was imprisoned. Leo's memory was gone. He couldn't recognize me even when I was standing in front of him explaining who I was to him. It was bad. Nothing stuck. My friend heard Leo's wish to escape fate, and since Leo had never been rewarded for defeating Gaia, gave him a magic item. It looked roughly like a compass and it allowed Leo to go to a different dimension."

"Like another world?" Will asked.

"Exactly that," Calypso agreed. "He said he was going somewhere he'd fit in."

"Dude that world would be crazy!" Percy exclaimed.

"No kidding," I mumbled. "Where are you Leo?"

Korra's POV:

I hate driving! I can't drive! But my girlfriend Asami is trying, yet again to teach me.

"Brake! Brake!" Asami yells, but I'm confused which pedal is which so I just slam my foot on one of them. We skid and crash into a brick wall. "That's the gas..." Asami mumbled as she massages a spot on her head.

"Oh man, are you okay?" i ask worriedly.

"I'm fine,Korra," Asami says with a smile. "But we'll have to get the satomobile repaired before we can continue our lesson."

"Does that mean we get to visit our mechanic friend?" I ask excitedly.

"Yes it does," Asami confirms.

"Aw yeah!" I jump out of the satomobile happily.

"I'm beginning to think you crashed the satomobile just so we have to pay Leo a visit," Asami laughed as she got out of the satomobile too.

"Of course not!" I defend myself. "But it is a bonus. He's the best mechanic in town, his bending techniques are unique beyond compare, and he's the best cook in the world!"

"I can't argue with that," Asami sighed.

Minutes later a toe truck came and took us to future industries garage. The head mechanic came over to greet us as Asami's satomobile was taken to the back for Leo to fix.

"Y're just in time!" The head mechanic drawled. "Leo just fixed us up some tacos!"

"Wow we do have good timing," I said excitedly.


"Uh oh," I squeaked.

"I think Leo just saw the satomobile," Asami supplied.

Form the back emerged a man a little shorter than me with curly black hair, light brown skin, dark brown eyes, covered in grease, wearing earth kingdom brown shorts, white(-ish) shirt, suspenders, a tool belt, and goggles placed in his curls. He held a wrench in one hand and a cooking spoon in the other. Leo strutted right up to me then announced, "You broke the car I fixed, again! Haven't you figured out yet that you can't drive!"

"Well yes I did, but Asami keeps insisting I try to learn!" I complain.

Leo turns his gaze to my girlfriend, "Asami, dearest, it's a lost cause. Even I couldn't teach her."

"Leo, Dearest," Asami mimicked. "If Korra can bend the four elements she can surely learn how to drive."

"Whatever you say boss lady," Leo shrugged as we followed him into the back where the tacos were being served. I had known Leo for about six months now and he already felt like part of the family. Well except Mako and Bolin hadn't met him yet. Our bending brothers were off being bodyguards for Prince Woo as he tried to set up his Earth Republic. Regardless Leo was a good friend even with amnesia. He quite literally couldn't remember his life past five years ago. He even forgot his name for a little while, but he's better now. He doesn't forget anything now, he even remembers some things from his past every once in a while. We sat and Leo served us tacos. Leo had introduced me to the delicacy and I had never seen it anywhere else.

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