Chapter 23

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After showering and changing, we all went out to get pizza at a small restaurant in town. We all squeezed into a small booth and ordered our pizzas which came out quickly; whilst eating we continued to converse happily about our victory at paintball.

During the entire time we were sat down Ethan's hand was sat on my thigh, occasionally drawing random shapes with his thumb. His touch made me giddy and I couldn't help but blush when he suddenly squeezed my thigh, taking me completely by surprise. I tried to swat his hand away but his grip on my was solid; I shot him a playfull glare but he remained unfazed and even had the audacity to ran his hand higher up my leg.

I gave a quiet yelp and shot up from my seat.

"Fran are you OK?" Ethan asked innocently as he shot me a wink. The little shit.

"Yeah I'm just going to go to the toilets." I said as I tucked my chair in and smoothed down my top.

"I'll go with you!" Sarah piped up and together  we weaved our way throughout the tables dotted around us as we headed towards the back of the restaurant.

"So what's happening with you and James? Are you guys together?" I asked curiously as we walked into the ladies toilets, there were only two cubicles in there meaning me and Sarah remained close enough together to continue our conversation.

"Well I've liked him for quite a while and we've been on a few dates so yeah I guess we're kind together." She explained giggling.

"Aw you guys are adorable." I cooed. I flushed the toilet and walked out to wash my hands at the sinks, Sarah followed closely behind me.

"So you and Ethan eh?" She asked, winking suggestively at me in the mirror.

"What about us?" I asked, turning my head to face her.

"Well you seem to really like him." She said smiling.

"Yeah I do." I replied whilst smiling like an idiot.

"Aw that's sweet. I have to say though I'm not surprised he's moved on to someone like you." She said, trailing off at the end as she looked in the mirror and began to fluff up her hair.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked defensively.

"Oh no honey I didn't mean that offensively it's just that.. well he's pretty much ran out of girls to date in my year and the one below because he's already bedded everyone." She explained.

A breath caught in my throat.

Her words made me feel sick to my stomach. I had always know that Ethan had a reputation for playing girls but Sarah's words seemed to solidify the fact that Ethan had had sex with other poeple. He had slept with other girls before me and by the sounds of things there had been a lot of girls.

I wanted to turn around and just run away but at the same time I wanted to know more.

"He's slept with every girl in your year?" I asked quietly.

"No not every girl but most of them; he would sleep with them and then dump them and move on." She said sadly. This isn't the first time I've heard somebody say this about Ethan, I didn't want to believe it but it was becoming hard not to.

"Has he... did you two..." I was barely able to form the question that was burning in my mind.

"Did me and Ethan ever sleep together?" She asked as if reading my mind. "Yes, once, but it meant nothing and there's nothing between us now." She assured.

I sighed sadly and began to walk towards the door out of the toilets. "I'm sorry for bringing it up... I didn't mean to upset you." Sarah said sincerely.

"Don't worry." I said reassuringly. "It's not your fault."

And with that I plastered a smile onto my face and turned to go back out to everybody else, where I would pretended that nothing was wrong.

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