Chapter 3

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A loud ringing startled me and my head whipped around to the wall to my right so I could the see the clock: 10:45, break time. I gathered up my books and deposited them messily into my bag with a loud thud.

Break couldn't have come soon enough; double maths first thing was difficult enough on a normal day, today however it was made worse by my raging tiredness. It was a struggle not to lay my head on the desk and just drift off to sleep.

A sharp elbow in my ribs brought my attention to my left, I looked around and saw the beaming smile of Paige Wright. Paige was very tall and slim, she had a gorgeous figure that matched her beautiful complexion; she had shoulder length, straight black hair, dark skin and bright brown eyes.

Paige has been my best friend since we started secondary school four years ago. We met on the first day during 'ice breaking activities' when we were both put into the same group for the 'toilet paper game' which involved wrapping your partner in toilet paper to make them look like a mummy; we both refused to join in as we both thought the idea was ridiculous and a complete waste of time, the teacher asked us to leave and we have been inseparable ever since.

Paige slipped her arm through mine and we squeezed our way out through the door with the rest of the class. We pushed and shoved until we finally escaped from the cramped corridors of the maths building, with a sigh of relief we stepped out into the bitterly cold wind that was still raging throughout the school and made our way up towards the canteen to meet the others.

Paige was my best friend but we also were very close with several other girls from the year who we joined at break and lunch every day, and often met up with on weekends. It didn't take long to dash across the school courtyard and assume our regular seats at a table in the back of the canteen which was now filling up very quickly.

I let my bag slide of my shoulders as I greeted the other girls. Sat across from me were three girls: Amelia Kane, Lily Ackerman and Ella Pennell. All three girls we tall, blonde and incredibly beautiful. I loved all of my friends very dearly and wouldn't change them for the world, yet I always felt a little insecure around them and considered myself to be the ugly duckling of the group. Of course I never voiced my insecurities because it's not like it's their fault that I have bad genes.  

We immediately launched into conversation on the topic of the first two lessons of the day and our mutual hatred for them. As a general rule the five of us were smart girls and were predicted to pass all of our subjects and in some cases get grade As  however we all shared a common difficulty: Maths. For the past 4 years we have united in our struggle against Trigonometry, Pythagoras' Theorem, and Algebra.

After spending the past two hours talking about numbers I was not really in the mood to partake in the discussion so my gaze began to drift around the room.

Then it happened.

Our eyes connected and my chocolate coloured irises met a steel gaze.

Ethan was sat two tables away from us with my brother, Darren, James and a few other people I didn't know; they looked to be engaged in conversation but he was staring right at me. A smirk pulled at his lips as he help my gaze, I smiled weakly and averted my eyes. I could feel my face heating up as a warm blush spread over my cheeks.

"Oh my God Fran don't look but there's this guy on one of the tables over there staring right at you..." Amelia hissed at me through a strained whisper. "I think he's in Sixth form and he's like really really good looking." Her mouth was agape.

I didn't need to look to know who she was referring to.

"Huh ooh that's Ethan Beadle" Ella added, whispering just like Amelia. "He's like one of the hottest guys in the whole school!" Her excitement was shining bright in her eyes.

I looked over towards Ethan again, our eyes locked. I felt as if he could see right through me. I turned back to the girls, eager smiles were plastered over all of their faces.

"Hmm yeah he's alright." I said softly. Paige's jaw had dropped in shock.

" He's alright?!" She questioned abruptly. "Ethan Beadle is not just 'alright' he is like... like... a sex god!"

"And how would you know?" My voice had gone rather high pitched in shock of her revelation.

"Come 'on Fran you hear the things that go around the school. Besides that is not the point, every girl in school would kill for him to look at them the way he's looking at you, and you're not even a little bit thrilled?" Lily demanded, her disapproval of my reaction to him evidently clear.

"Well I met him last night and if I'm honest to him I'm probably just his best friend's little sister." I answered, my voice pleading them to drop this.

"Uh Fran... boys don't look at their 'best friend's little sister' the way he is now!" Paige stated and threw me a suggestive wink.

"I have no idea what you're talking about!" I tried to sound confident but my voice cracked - the thought of Ethan paying me attention made me feel giddy. As much as I wouldn't like to admit it.

The scraping of chair legs drew my attention in his direction. All of the boys from the table were now getting up and Ethan looked like he was heading in this direction. I was frozen by blind panic. What was he doing? Why was he coming over here? Was he going to talk to me? My palms were sweaty and my cheeks were burning.

"Hi Fran!" His voice was warm and inviting with a slight arrogance about it. I looked up to his face and he was smirking down at me.

I just about managed to form my words, "Uh h-hi Ethan." I bit my lip in apprehension. What will he say now?

"I think me and the lads are all coming over yours again tonight." He smiled coolly "Will you be around again?"

"Uh..." Damn it why am I incapable of producing coherent sentences when he's around? "I should be." I replied, trying to fake self-assurance.

"Great!" He replied managing to sound happy without exerting overeagerness. His smile made me feel as if I were going to melt. "Well maybe I'll see you later then!" He winked at me and turned to leave with his friends. I stared at the spot where he was just stood, unable to think and unable to speak.

"What just happened?" I was so lost in my own thoughts that I could barely hear Amelia's voice.

"Um... well...-" I was interrupted by Paige's ecstatic squeal.

"What happened was that Ethan Beadle, the hottest guy in school, has just flirted with Fran!" She clapped her hands together with excitement - she looked like a child on Christmas morning.

"He wasn't flirting!" I whispered exasperatedly. Paige raised her eyebrow at me as if to completely dismiss what I said.

"This is so exciting! If you two get together you will be the only girl in our year to have a boyfriend in the Sixth form!"  Ella was squealing, and like Paige, having trouble suppressing her excitement. She reminded me of a small puppy.

"Um Paige, Ella, sorry to burst your bubble but he said hi... That doesn't make him my boyfriend." I said plainly. Inside I was rather disappointed at this for some reason. Did I like him? No, I can't, I've known him for about 15 hours... There's no way I could like him... Not yet.

A shrill bell rang throughout the canteen earning many grunts and groans of disappointment from its occupants. We slung our bags over our shoulders and began to head towards our next lesson. Me, Amelia and Ella had Spanish now and then English whilst Lily and Paige had French instead of Spanish so we said our goodbyes and parted ways.

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