"Oh, ok. Well that's too bad. Because I brought a game... and it involves sweets," Julia whispered as she shifted closer to Harry, watching his face for excitement. Harry looked up at her.

"Sweets for me?" Harry asked, disbelief on his face. Remus and Sirius hardly ever brought him sweets, not that Harry was complaining, but this woman hardly knew him at all and had brought sweets just for Harry?!

"Yep, all for you. Well, I guess they're for me too, because that's how the rules are. But do you want to see how to play?" Harry nodded, delight written clearly across his face. Julia smiled and picked Harry up. Harry swallowed and pushed back. He really didn't like to be held unless Sirius or Remus did it.

"Oh, you don't like that?" Julia asked, sympathetically. Harry shook his head and felt himself being placed on the floor. Julia gave him a light pat on the head and walked him to the dining room where she lifted him into his high chair. She then pulled a piece of paper with writing on it and a bag of white round things out of her bag. 

"What are those?" Harry asked curiously. He had seen them before in shop windows but he had never thought much of them.

"These are marshmallows. A yummy, but sticky treat. Here, why don't you try one?" Julia asked as she held out a marshmallow. Harry took it and inspected it before placing it in his mouth and chewing very slowly. He nodded, his eyes lighting up. It tasted fantastic! He pointed at the piece of paper.

"What's on the paper?" Harry asked, suddenly very interested in the game.

"It's a chart of squares. Each square will get a marshmallow. One of us will leave the room for the moment while the other person decides which marshmallow will be Pete. Pete is the marshmallow that you're not allowed to eat. The other person will come back, but you don't tell them which one Pete is. Then the person starts eating the marshmallows, when they pick up Pete, the other person has to shout, 'Don't eat Pete', if the person eats it then their turn is over, if they put it back they get to continue and eat all of the marshmallows!" Julia exclaimed. Harry grinned, that sounded fun!

"Okay, here, you go in the other room and I'll pick Pete," Julia said to Harry. Harry slid down from the high chair with help from Julia and ran into the other room, very excited.

"Alright, you can come back!" Julia called. Harry ran into the room and climbed onto Sirius's chair. He watch Julia closely as he put a marshmallow into his mouth. And then another, and then another, and soon Harry was cramming them into his mouth.

"Don't eat Pete!" Julia yelled. Harry froze, his hand a centimeter away from his mouth. He put the marshmallow back down and ate the rest. Julia smiled.

"Great job, Harry! Okay, now I go into the other room and you pick Pete!" And this continued to about six-thirty before Julia finally told Harry that he needed to eat supper. Harry sighed, he really wanted to keep playing! 

"Can we play more tomorrow?" Harry asked hopefully. Julia shook her head.

"No, your godfathers will be back in the morning and we won't have any time. But I'll teach them how to play the game and then maybe they'll play it with you. Does that sound good?" Julia asked. Harry nodded eagerly. Julia then went over to the fridge and pulled out some pasta. She placed it in the microwave for a few minutes before giving some to Harry. When dinner was over Julia walked him upstairs. 

"Your godfathers said that I can try to take you a bath if you're fine with it. Do you want me to take you a bath?" Harry thought about it for a second before nodding, he liked Julia. Julia went into the bathroom with Harry and waited for him to get undressed. She turned on the tap and felt the water until it was perfect. Harry went over and felt it as well. It felt nice. Harry nodded. Julia smiled and waited for the tub to fill up. She sat Harry in the tub. He hesitated at first. Sirius and Remus had only recently began to bathe him, and he was still a little uneasy about it, but he knew that if they thought that Julia was a danger to Harry that they wouldn't let her bathe him. Harry watched her angelic hands as she cleaned Harry's body and hair. Eventually the bath ended. Harry didn't struggle and watched Julia's face and hands a lot. 

"Thank you," Harry whispered as she wrapped him in a towel. Julia smiled and walked him into his room to help him undress. Finally she tucked him into bed. 

A couple hours later...

Harry woke up, he didn't feel so good. Perhaps it had been the marshmallows. He got up and quietly crept out to the bathroom and went in. He made it to the toilet just in time as a wave of sickness rolled over him. Harry moaned and wiped his mouth. He flushed the toilet and was about to wash his hands before getting sick again. And then again. Harry flushed the toilet again, this time he had time to wash his hands. Harry walked out of the bathroom. His stomach felt empty and a little jostled like after Sirius and Remus apparating with Harry. Harry was tempted to go get his baby sitter, but he knew very well that she would tell Sirius and Remus, and he didn't want them to have any excuse to send him back to the Dursley's. Harry went back to his room and lay down. He closed his eyes and after a little while he went to sleep. His last thought was that he hoped that he didn't get sick again any time soon. 

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