Pep and Flare

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Colonel Rhodes took a breath as he faced a pillar and straightened his neck tie. The inside of the building they were to gather in was lined with marble and soft lighting glowed in the reflections, giving him an eerie sense of warmth. For once, someone was recognizing his commitment to helping Tony bring the arc energy to the military...even if it was at the expense of Manhattan.

Tony, he remembered briefly, wondering how much longer his friend would delay showing up.

Then, even with Stark on his mind, Rhodey almost fell backwards with shock as a loud noise of metal on solid, marble floors boomed behind him. He doubled back and spun around, trying to stop his heart from flying out of his chest.

"Gee, you'd think they'd train you for surprise," a humorous tone floated from the robot that appeared behind him.

Rhodey stared at the red and gold giant as the face plate lifted and revealed a very tired looking, yet still grinning, Tony Stark. Instantly calming himself down, he let his shoulders relax as his friend departed the suit.

"I'm an airman, Tony, not a ninja," he clarified. "And you're late."

"Not late. Just not early."

Rhodes looked him over; Stark was only in a pair of dark wash jeans and a tshirt - definitely not ceremony appropriate.

"That's what you're wearing?"

Stark snorted, then ran a hand through his hair. "Relax, mom. I got it covered."

"You better. No Pepper?"

"I left the missus at home," Tony joked, trying to not think about his assistant for a little while.

Rhodey looked like a ghost had caught him. "You guys...uh, please tell me you didn't-"

"What?" Stark asked, then let out a hearty laugh at what his friend was suggesting and took it a step further. "Yeah, she's decorating the nursery."

"That's not funny," Rhodey snapped, unable to believe him.

"But marriage is?"

"That's something you could handle, Tony. Now, a mini Stark..." Rhodes shuddered.

Tony frowned, but he knew his friend was right; he was thankful he didn't have to go any further with it, as Rhodes obviously doubted him as much as Jarvis did. Then, from the corner of his eye, he saw one of his New York security details approaching. She was holding out a jacket for him to slip into.

Rhodey watched her suit him up - literally - and then disappear out to where the public would be viewing the ceremony.

"Who was that?" he asked, admiring her looks.

"Who?" Stark countered purposely. "Oh, her?" He was trying to play dumb. "Dunno. Found her at the tower one day. Fun to look at. Let her play good cop for the Expo."

"You just gave some random girl the job of keeping you secure?"


"You're ridiculous."

"Man," he bit back. "Have you and Pepper been talking?"

Tony was making it apparent that he was getting a bit edgy with the judgement coming from Rhodey, so he decided to move on and slapped him on the shoulder instead.

"Nevermind it." Rhodes pointed outside. "They're waiting for us."

"They're waiting for me," he corrected. "You're added bonus!"

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