"Oh and what about Amiara last night?" Niall asked folding his arms.

"Well, that was different...I told you... it's not my fault that I was not at all attracted to her! I was finding my curtains behind her much more attractive." Louis said,

"Do you realise how much of a high maintenance you are? It's already hard to find a girl for you, keeping in mind your high class and position! Apparently it's scares them that you are out their league or whatever....And when somehow some get ready to meet you, you just prove the other ones right!" Niall said,

"Someone's trying to be my mom again...." Louis said,

"That's because someone is scared that you are gonna end up alone in a big fat house with hundreds of servants but not even a single person to sit and eat with!" Niall said,

"Alright...Listen Niall...I really appreciate you worrying about this..I really do..But I don't think I should worry about that...I have my career and this company to worry about. It's better to eat alone than having nothing to eat." Louis said,

"You are beyond my brains... Seriously" Niall scoffed.


"A girlfriend?!" Liam and Zayn said,

"Yes...Amiara..." Harry said looking down.

"Are you sure? She is actually his girlfriend?" Liam said,

"Either that or they just have a trend to greet their friends by putting their tongues in each others' mouths!" Harry said,

"I will get off by 6, I guess..." Louis walked in the coffee room, with his phone stuck to his ear, "8 in the evening sounds good......your place or mine?...All right, I will come over this time..." He waved to where Liam, Harry and Zayn were sitting and walked out with his coffee while still talking on the phone, "Alright then, see you Niall. Bye."

"See, he is going on a date!" Harry said,


"At her house!" He scoffed,

"What should I do? Should I go tell him about my feelings?" Harry asked,

"I don't think that's a good idea..." Zayn said,

"But he should know how I feel about him!"

"Harry..mate, listen...there is no point, if he has got a girlfriend, he is probably straight. You are just gonna ruin your friendship..." Liam said,

"He is right Harry, the best thing to do, would be to let go of your feelings...This is gonna be hard..but... you gotta do it." Zayn said.

"But...I really love him.." Harry said,

"We know...we are sorry mate..." Liam said.

"Don't apologise...No offence lads, but I think you are wrong...I am not gonna let him go! I have got to at least try. I am gonna fight for him. He is totally worth it. I just want to tell him how I feel about him. I don't care if he rejects me or whatever...I Just want him to know how much I love him. Everyone deserves to know that." Harry said, however his voice was shaking.

There was complete silent for a moment. Zayn and Liam were just starting at Harry.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to be heartbroken beyond remediation mate." Liam said with a par on Harry's shoulder.

Harry nodded.

"Whatever happens, remember one thing, we are with you, Harry." Zayn said.

"Thanks..." Harry said slowly.

Harry slowly opened the door of Louis' office, and peeped in. He saw Louis looking down at his desk, reading something very carefully. His messed up brown hair fringes were the proof of how much busy he has been as well as his unbuttoned collar and loosened tie, showing his collar bone. He was so involved in work that he didn't realise Harry was there, Harry, on the other hand was so lost in Louis' captivating charm that he didn't realise what he came for. The silence of the room was breaking by the paper Louis was reading and by Harry's pounding heartbeats.

"Umm Hi!" Harry finally said,

"Harry?" Louis said before immediately looking up as if he recognised the voice.

"Hey...Can I come in?" Harry said,

"Of course! Have a seat" Louis said putting the paper aside.

"Thanks...," Harry walked through the huge office and sat on one of the chairs in front of Louis' desk, "First of all, thanks for all the sweets..." Harry said,

"Hey that's alright..." Louis said smiling.

"Anyway, I was just wondering if you are planning on learning cooking..." Harry said, with his simple showing on one side.

"Oh! About that...I don't know...I mean, I have a pretty busy schedule and I am not sure if I am gonna take time out to learn to cook and then cook for myself. I barely have time to even eat the food I order." Louis said, there was a hidden sadness in his voice.

"That's not good for your health, you know..." Harry said, "You have great responsibilities coming up on your shoulders Louis, even more than you already have, you gotta have to take care of your health." He added, he didn't know from where all the confidence was coming from.

"I don't know about that...I mean I think I am doing fine..." Louis said,

"You might want to rethink that, your doctor has already forbidden you to eat sweets, who knows what else is coming up. You can't work from your hospital bed you know? I think it's wise to maintain a balance to maintain your health for longtime working..." Harry said,

Great! You are his counsellor now, or health guide? Stupid! Harry thought.

"Do you think I am gonna be able to take time out from a busy day? Louis asked, he looked at him as a kid looks at his teacher in innocence.

"I think so, listen Lou, learn to take some break. It's good for you mental peace." Harry said,

"I think you are right...and also the thought of not being able to work from hospital just scared me." Louis said, "we should fix a time for the class." He added.

"Perfect! It's nice having to see fun Louis." Harry mumbled.


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