Chapter 13: A Rendezvous with Death

Start from the beginning

"Hey, (Y/N)?"


"What's gonna happen to you after the lot of you fix me?"

"Oh, Dr. Ziegler said that I could stay as a scientist for Overwatch. Really excited about that."

"Cheers, (Y/N)! Was being in Overwatch your dream?"

"Ever since I was a little kid. I even have an old Overwatch poster of Reinhardt still hanging in my room. Oh man, I should get him to sign it! Wait, would that be a bit creepy?"

"Not at all. I'm sure he'll be flattered.Besides, I have a poster of Captain Amari holding the Overwatch flag in my room back home." 

"Really? That one's hard to find actually. I found one in a dumpster in Brooklyn but it was crinkled and was stuck together." I held in a small laugh but (Y/N) caught it.


"I don't think whoever had the poster was just using it for decoration."I kept laughing for a bit, then I think (Y/N) caught on.

"Oh god!" He covered his face, embarrassed at what I said and it sounded likely. After the light laugh, we looked at each other and smiled. "Well, I'm glad you're staying. I think you'll do a lot for the world with that big brain of yours."

"No, you first. Then the world." 

Present Day

 "Now, before I go up to the observation deck, do you have any other questions about the test?"

I looked up from the accelerator to see Winston staring at me.

"What? Oh, uh no. I'm good, big guy."

"Alright, then. Let us proceed. Good luck, Tracer." Winston said as he passed me by. He went up to the observation deck and I stood ready at the starting line. With my accelerator working, my guns charged and ready, it felt like I already passed. 

The buzzer went off and so did I as I went into the course. This was only the beginning. I'll pass for you, (Y/N); Where ever you are.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

King's Row

Day 28 of the King's Row Uprising

7:21 A.M.

Moving through King's Row seemed to get harder every day. You and the young woman you met this morning hid behind the walls near a window of a shop you were in as a Null Sector Patrol went through the street. You both held your breath as their metallic feet clinked and clanked down the road. It was as if they were showing their strength in numbers and firepower.

The tail end of the patrol passed and you waited to increase the distance between you and the patrol. You got up and extended your hand to the survivor. "That was too close. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Red said, you hadn't learned her name yet but with what was going on, there were more important things.

"Tunnel isn't far from here. Come on." You exited the store and into the street. The control of Null Sector was getting worse. The purple panels were on almost every building, there were barricades on the street and then there was the guns near the tunnel; it was bad and there wasn't anything you could do to stop it from spreading.

You looked at your armband to see if by some chance Overwatch had sent a signal. Part of you knew what to expect but anything from them would be seen as a miracle in your eyes. All your life, you grew up admiring Overwatch. Whenever something bad happened in the world, Overwatch was there to make it better. They were more than just soldiers and scientists to you; they were like the guardians of Earth, a beacon of hope in the clouded darkness that could come up at any time or any day. But now, those dreams and hopes dwindled with the fact that they still couldn't do anything without the permission of the Prime Minister. 

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