He ate another grape then began to eat some of his salad. I looked down and began to eat my own food, I took a bite from my apple and swallowed before saying "you wanna play a game?" "A game?" "Yeah, like twenty one questions". "Okay" "okay, hmmm" I hummed, "let's start off simple, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?" "I like to read and write poetry, how about you?" "I like to listen to music and just think".

"Something that makes you stand out from others?" Jacob asked. I shook my head a little, "I don't think I have an answer for that? I don't really stand out" I replied. He smiled and said "sure, you do! Everyone stands out, personally I think you're muy interesante". "Me? Interesting? I think you've got the wrong person" "Chres, can I call you that?" I nodded and said "sure". "Okay, Chres, I'm certain I've got the right person. We were just throwing a paper ball back and forth the other day, you're interesting. Trust me".


"He says I'm interesting" I said to Elijah, "you are" he replied. "No, I'm not" "yeah, Chres, you really are" "okay, if you say so". Elijah nodded as we stood on the green grass of the quad, "he still teachin' you Spanish?" "Yeah, we're starting today, we're gonna go to his house". Elijah looked at me and smiled a little, "stop being nasty" I stated. "What? I'm not being nasty!" He laughed, "you are in your mind, I don't even know if he likes guys anyway" I explained as I watched some kids start to head home. 

"He does" Elijah said simply, I looked at him, "he does?" He nodded "yup". "How do you know?" "He told me, it works out doesn't it?" "Yeah, it does". I looked around and saw Jacob exiting the building, he had his hair collected into a ponytail. I liked it. He scanned the quad with his eyes and when he spotted me and Elijah, he waved. I waved back and watched as he began to make his over here. 

On his way over, Cole stopped him and I continued to watched as they exchanged a couple of words and Jacob's facial expression dropped a little. He looked passed Cole's shoulder and met my gaze, I wanted to go over and ask what was going on, but I needed to stay in my lane and not get in anyone else's business. I didn't stop watching though. Cole jabbed a finger at Jacob's shoulder and Jacob brushed his touch away. He looked at me and said one more thing to Cole before walking away. 

It was a fake smile, the one he was wearing on his face. I would know, I tend to fake a smile some times. "Hey, you ready?" He asked as he stood in front of me, I nodded "yeah". "What was that about?" Elijah asked, "oh, I, um.... Nothing, it was nothing" Jacob lied. He looked at me, "ready?" "Yeah, yeah, I am. Bye, Elijah" "bye, Chres, bye Jacob" "bye" Jacob said. 


When we arrived at Jacob's house, I was surprised. It wasn't like mine, neither was the neighborhood. There were no grown woman standing on the corners asking for money, or people smoking and drinking beer on their porches. There was none of that. I got out of the car and followed him inside. 

"My mom's not here and neither is my uncle, they both had something to do" Jacob explained as he placed his keys on the key holder, "so it's just me and you. Perfect working environment". That made me nervous, being alone with him. I never really was alone with him before, even in the halls of school there was always other kids around. It wasn't just us, but now it was. 

"Chres" he said, "huh? I'm sorry, I was thinking" I apologized. "I could tell" he chuckled, "I asked if you wanted a snack?" "Oh, sure". He led me to the kitchen and said "we, uh, we've got fruit, granola bars, chips, um, carrots, celery, cucumbers" I smiled as he began to list vegetables and such. "A granola bar is fine" I said, he nodded a little "okay". 

He walked to the pantry and grabbed a granola bar and handed it to me, I took it from and said "thank you" "you're welcome". He made himself a bowl of grapes before walking me to his room, "I see you like grapes, you had some for lunch too" I said. He nodded, "yeah, I love grapes". He took off his shoes and I followed his lead, "okay, let's get started" he said, he set the bowl down and sat down on his bed. I stood and looked at him, he patted the empty space beside him "sit, I don't bite". 

"Okay" I said lightly, I sat down beside him and pulled out my notebook and pencil. "Where do you wanna start?" Jacob asked as he popped a grape into his mouth. "Well, the test is going to be on, I think, locations and statements" I said as I rubbed the back of my neck, "yeah, that sounds right". "Okay, do you know what que vas a hacer means?" He asked curiously, "what do you want to do?" I said. He nodded, "mhm, what about yo voy?" "Oh, yeah, it means I'm going to".

He nodded, "very good, okay. No, se" he said next, I shook my head a little "I don't know" "good" "no, I mean, I don't know what it means". Jacob chuckled and looked at me, "Chres, no, se means I don't know" "oh" "yeah". 


I was still at Jacob's house and he just got done explaining to me how use the words ser and estar in sentences. There was a speaking part to the test and now he was trying to teach me how to roll my R's. It wasn't going so well. 

"Just, place your tongue near the roof of your mouth" he explained, I did as I was told. "Okay, now breathe out" he said simply, when it didn't work he laughed and shook his head. "You suck at rolling your R's man" he said with a playful smile, "thank you for informing me" I replied, I was smiling too. "You go then" I added, "divertido" he said as he rolled the R perfectly. "Show off" I said as I nudged him, he chuckled. "What's divertido mean anyway?" "Amusing". 

I looked at him and he looked at me. "You're muy divertido, Chresanto" Jacob said lightly, we were close. Like, really close. We were still looking at each other, I could tell he was thinking. I wanted to ask what about, but I figured that'd ruin the moment. Yeah, it probably would. "Are we having a staring contest?" He suddenly asked, I looked away "no, s-sorry. I don't know why I was, uh, I don't know. Sorry" I felt foolish for some reason. Like embarrassed. 

"Chres" "yeah" I said as I stared at my closed notebook, "look at me, please". I looked at him and I wasn't ready for him to kiss me, I mean I was ready. I wanted him to, but I didn't think he would. So when he did, and I felt his lips pressed against mine, I didn't know what to do for a second, but then I remembered and I began to kiss back. It was a slow kiss, nothing too fast and risky. We stayed like that, lips moving in sync for a good while before pulling a part. Jacob looked at me, "eres un buen besador" he said finally. I shook my head a little, "I... I don't know what that means" I said lightly. He smiled, "it's means you're a good kisser". 


Sorry for any mistakes, I didn't proof read. Oh well.



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