Beauty Of Silence | Sona (League Of Legends) x Traveller!M!Reader

Start from the beginning

"Are you... Unable to speak?"

The woman nodded.

"Ahh, but I have to ask. What is a woman as beautiful as yourself doing out here in the woods? Alone as well as the matter of fact."

The woman seemed to glare at him. He had to admit that it was adorable seeing this woman puff her cheeks.

"My apologies, I won't pry any further."

The woman bowed respectfully.

"Anyways, it may be dangerous for you to stay here by yourself."

The woman nodded in agreement.

"If you like, I could take you to the next town over."

The woman stared at (Y/N) in possibly joy. Enthusiastically nodding.

"Come on, I'll lead the way." (Y/N) said as he proceeded to carry back the barrel full of water. The woman following behind.

(Y/N) eventually led the woman back to (h/n).

She quickly walked up to (h/n) out of awe and petted (h/n). (h/n) responded politely, remaining still and blowing air through its nose in relaxation.

"(h/n) likes you." (Y/N) said while chuckling.

The woman smiled and nodded.

"Time to hit the road." (Y/N) said as he loaded the water barrel into the carriage. He later entered the carriage, offering a hand to the woman to assist her up, which she took gladly. "The next town should be not far from here."

The woman nodded, sitting down gracefully on the side of the carriage.

(Y/N) ordered (h/n) to continue with their journey as he had always done.

The woman decided to play her Etwahl during their journey to pass time, it relaxed (h/n) and (Y/N). The peaceful moment between the three accompanied by music brought (Y/N) a peace of mind as he continued to direct (h/n).

Overtime, the melody came to an end. With the silence, the woman decided to strike up a conversation.

"My name is Sona."

(Y/N) turned his attention to the woman, wondering where the voice came from. "Hmm? Am I hearing voices?" It couldn't possibly be her, she was mute and the voice seemed mystical, since he heard some sort of echo.

"I am speaking to you through your thoughts."

"Ahh, telepathy." With his curiosity filled, (Y/N) turned his attention back to the road.


"Interesting, so why now do you speak?"

"I want to keep you company."

"Well, if you want to pass time. I can answer some questions you may have."

"Why is it do you travel alone?"

"I don't, I have (h/n) to keep me company." (Y/N) answered, to which the horse lightly snorted in agreement. "But if you mean human companions, the men of my family had always been independent travelling merchants."


"That is... Until they got married and had kids."

"O-ohh." Sona blushed slightly. "H-how long were you travelling with (h/n)?"

"How long? I would say around ten years. I am close to my thirties, that's all that I'll say. "

"To travel for so long without any human interaction. Do you not wish for another companion?"

"Well... I do, but like my father and grandfather, I will one day find someone. But so far, no one has my attention."


"For now, take a nap. It won't be much longer until we've reached our destination."

For the rest of the trip, it was silent. Sona struggling to stay awake while (Y/N) continued to guide (h/n).

(Y/N) looked behind him to find Sona sleeping. Her face was peaceful, it suited her caring personality. Really it did, (Y/N) was saddened. Sure, he had met numerous women during his travels, and sure, some of them had an interest in him, like that white haired archer, Ashe if he recalled.

But Sona, something about her made his heart throb and he didn't want to let her go. But (Y/N) decided it for the best to let her decide herself.

Eventually, the three had arrived in a decently sized town. (Y/N) ordered (h/n) to stop in front of a tavern.

"Sona, time to wake up."

(Y/N) watched as Sona struggled to wake up.

"Have we arrived?"

"Yes. It's time for us to part ways. I'm willing to give you some money so you can stay for some nights."

At the mention of parting ways, Sona sprung back awake instantaneously. Sona had thought for quite a bit during her sleep, she didn't want (Y/N) to live a lonely life for much longer.


"What is it?"

"I... want to keep travelling with you." Sona begun. "I don't want you to be lonely anymore."

(Y/N) stood silent for a few moments. "As I said before, I got (h/n) here. So I won't be alone."

"O-oh." Sona was saddened. She had thought (Y/N) would want her to come along, but apparently not.

"But I can't decide on that. So do whatever you want."

Sona was rejoicing, she jumped at (Y/N) and hugged him from behind passionately.

(Y/N) chuckled. "Easy there, I can feel your breasts touching me."

"A-ah!" Sona released (Y/N), blushing slightly. "Sorry!"

"It's not an issue. But I'm sure (h/n) will be happy that you're staying." (h/n) snorted in agreement.

'Thank you both!"

"Now, let's continue with our journey." (Y/N) said, ordering (h/n) to continue.

"I forgot to ask, where are we travelling?"

"We're going to a city called... Anor Londo."

From that point on, Sona and (Y/N), along with his faithful horse companion had kept each other company for years to come.

They travelled to many different lands, experienced different cultures, and with Sona tagging along spreading her music and happiness everywhere they went, they prospered.

Well who knows, one day (Y/N) may finally retire early and propose to his loving, mute companion. And the cycle will begin once again.


Trash number 6.

Hmm. Three more requests to go.

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