Mentor | Ahsoka Tano (SW:TCW) x Jedi!M!Reader

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Requested by thedarklord86.

Is it bad that I honestly haven't watched the old Star Wars?

Ahsoka and Star Wars belongs to Lucasfilms, or Disney. Art does not belong to me.

Decided to write this asap, since it's my birthday today during the time of writing.

27th July 2018 - 1k Reads.

5th January 2019 - 2k Reads


The Jedi Order was an ancient and peace-keeping organisation united in their observation of the light side of the Force. (Y/N), one of the many thousands of Jedi Knights, was sent on a mission to Felucia with Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi to combat the Separatists who had blockaded the planet. Although, (Y/N) was sent separate from the first wave of Jedi to act as reinforcement.

Unfortunately, the mission had proven to be a failure, as when (Y/N) arrived, his company were severely outnumbered from a 1000:1 ratio. Despite this, Ahsoka certainly was a courageous apprentice, as she continued to fight the opposition. (Y/N) saw Ahsoka standing on a turbo tank combating battle droids, until she seemed to reluctantly enter a gunship along with her troops, most likely on Anakin's orders.

As Anakin's gunship prepared to retreat from the battlefield, the turbo tank Ahsoka stood on earlier exploded, signifying (Y/N)'s turn to stall for his comrade's escape. As the battle droids continued firing their laser rifles in an attempt to bring down the gunship, they were forcefully pushed away by (Y/N)'s use of the Force as he landed before them.

"From this point," (Y/N) said without fear, all the while he unleased his lightsaber to draw a line. "none of you shall pass."

The battle droids, unfazed by the Jedi' s threat rushed forward while said Jedi kept his battle stance.


The three Jedi who had escaped earlier had successfully came in contact with the evacuation squad sent by Master Plo Koon.

"Where is Sir (Y/N)?" the extraction squad leader asked. (no idea how Star Wars respectfully addresses someone)

"(Y/N)'s here!?" Anakin asked in a panic.

"It seems (Y/N) was sent to be our reinforcement." Kanobi hypothesised.

"We need to get him!" Ahsoka shouted.

"Don't be foolish, don't waste his sacrifice to buy us time to escape." Kanobi warned.

"No! It'll leave me with bad taste if I left someone behind!" Ahsoka shouted, running back.


Anakin and Ahsoka had returned to the battlefield they had escaped from previously, much to the reluctance of the extraction leader and Kanobi. When they arrived, they saw quite an impressive sight. Various types of battle droids, ranging from common droids to heavy artillery droids all became either deactivated, scraps or crushed. Most impressive was that none seemed to have been able to pass a dirt line, especially those with vehicles.

But (Y/N) was nowhere to be found. And unfortunately, (Y/N) couldn't be sensed.

"Split up for now, and when one of us finds him, shout to each other!" Anakin ordered.



Both Anakin and Ahsoka searched high and low for their fellow Jedi, the further they search the more apparent it was that (Y/N) began to tire, as there were even larger droids and hints of dry blood.

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