Chapter Twenty-One

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Eli and Jonathan were quickly surrounded as a crude circle formed around them. Eli's gang called out support for their leader, while Jonathan's companions were held in vice-like grips and forced to watch.

Eli towered over the boy. His steps were precise, coming from experience.

Jonathan's foot caught on a rock and he stumbled. He righted himself at the last moment. The spectators laughed, sure it would be a quick fight.

Eli pounced, sending a right-left-right combination to Jonathan's body. Jonathan doubled-over, gasping for breath. Eli brought his knee up, sending Jonathan backward to the ground. His neck whipped back, stars dancing in front of his eyes. He could barely make out Eli at his feet, and kicked out, impacting the bigger man's shins and bringing him down a level.

"Get him Eli!" Ayers roared from the sidelines.

Eli leaned his weight forward and onto Jonathan. He unleashed on him, hitting his face again and again.

The lackey's cheers garnered the town's attention. Droves of tired and hungover workers stood up from the dirty path and exited tents.

Ryan followed a group from the sleeper cars. He pushed his way to the front of the crowd. Dust from the shuffling feet created a cloud that covered the action. Eli was the first thing Ryan saw, his fists raining down on the now-completely helpless Jonathan. Ryan surged forward with his shoulder, knocking Eli to the side. Both were quick to regain their feet. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Ryan roared, spit flying from his mouth.

"Teaching one of yours a little lesson. No one crosses the picket line!" Eli's words were met with a round of applause and cheers.

Ryan kept his eyes on Eli as he stepped back and knelt at Jonathan's side. He placed a hand on his arm but Jonathan turned away, coughing up a mouthful of blood onto the ground.

"Leave me alone," Jonathan croaked.

"What?" Ryan tried unsuccessfully to turn him back over.

Kate, Harley, Reb, and Father Ivan appeared at the edge of the crowd. They struggled to catch up on what had happened.

"No, he's right." Eli faced the crowd. "He's not the one we want." He looked to Ayers and Campbell: "Get Dodge and Casement and anyone else who's with them."

The two released their captives and hurried off to the cabooses.

"Stop this madness right now." Father Ivan stepped forward, his tone authoritative but hands open in supplication.

"Can't do that Father." Eli pulled a revolver from inside his waistband and pointed it at the man's head. "And you might want to back up. This ain't the place for your laws and morality."

Father Ivan stopped inside the circle. "You're wrong. This is the place that needs it the most." A fist flew from his blindspot, knocking him to the ground.

Reb raced forward and helped him to his feet. A figure appeared at his other side, holding him steady. Reb looked up to see Harley there, her hands supporting the Father's elbow, a shy smile on her face as she offered Reb help. Reb returned the smile and they steadied father on his feet. A line of blood trailed from his mouth. Reb spun on her heel, hoping to front Ivan's attacker. Her fists were clenched at her sides, the knuckles turning white. Before she could let loose the anger she was feeling, the crowd parted and Eli's lackey's returned. Dan Casement and Jake were the first manhandled through. Jake winced as his injured shoulder was gripped tightly. Aadita followed behind as a barely-conscious Dodge was dragged along.

"Let go of me! What do you think you're doing?" Dan thrashed about.

"We're taking back the town," Eli spoke evenly. "Hang 'em!"

The crowd erupted into a combination of support and horror, though none interceded. Ayers and Campbell grabbed Dodge who was still struggling to stay upright, while another untethered the horse from the cart.

"Stop! You can't do this!" Father Ivan called out, his words doing nothing.

Ryan and Jake led the charge of those brave enough to mount a resistance, but they were too outnumbered.

The crowd parted as Dodge and the horse were led to one of the wooden poles marking the station. A rope was produced from somewhere, thrown over the top of the pole and flopped down. Ayers tied the end of the rope into a noose while Campbell and another from the crowd manhandled Dodge onto the horse and looped it around his neck.

The young students watched on in horror. Once the horse was given the order to move, the man would be hung.

"Eli stop this!" Ryan stepped over Jonathan and approached Eli.

Eli levelled his gun at Ryan, finger already on the trigger. "Do it!"

Ayers brought his hand back and swung for the horse.

A loud bang and a flash and Ayers was on the ground. His left hand was clasped to his right shoulder, blood spilling out between his fingers.

All eyes were drawn to the source.

Jack Casement stood with the makeshift bandage wrapped around his head, and his gun still pointed at the men near Dodge. "Get him down. Now." There was no room for interpretation in his tone.

There was a flurry of action. Dodge was brought down from the horse, Aadita racing to his side. Jake and Dan were released, their captors trying to covertly mingle-in with the crowd that had already begun to disperse.

Behind Jack was the tour group minus the few who had perished, all looking worse than when they left.

Durant stepped forward. "Get back to work!" The men were gone before he could finish.

"Can someone help me get them back to the caboose so I can fix them up?" Aadita asked.

Jack motioned for Newell and Barty to go and help. "Barty get yourself seen to while you're there."

"Yes sir." Barty limped behind Newell. He and Dodge supported each other while Newell helped Aadita with Ayers.

Almost forgotten, Jonathan allowed Ryan to help him to his feet. "Thanks," he mumbled.

"No sweat," Ryan said, following behind him.

Jack stopped in front of his brother. "So, rough few days?" He allowed the levity of the situation to wash over him.

Dan chuckled and pointed at the bandage on Jack's head. "About the same as you."

"Gentlemen," Durant addressed his fellow travellers. "I think we could all use a stiff drink." They followed him away from the scene and into the belly of the town.

Eric joined them, glad to be back with his friends.

"You sure you don't want to go with them?" Harley jokingly asked him.

"Positive." He smiled at them, his gaze lingering a little longer on Reb.


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