Chapter Nine

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Jake shuffled back and forth outside Durant's caboose, kicking at the dirt. He had been walking past when Eric and the other surveyors had arrived back in town. There hadn't been so much as a 'hello' before Eric disappeared with them into what looked to be an important meeting in Durant's caboose. The clanging of metal and distant explosions masked any sounds from inside. He just had to wait.

Five minutes passed, then ten. Finally after almost twenty minutes since the doors slammed shut, they swung back open. Dan Casement exited first, his steps slow as he backed out. His hands were outstretched, holding the feet of a motionless Dodge. Jack's arms curled under Dodge's, whose head lolled about.

Eric exited the caboose last. He spotted Jake and made his way over to him.

"What happened?" Jake asked.

"I don't know." Eric shrugged. "He wasn't feeling well and then he passed out."

"Aadita!" Jake called to his friend standing a few metres away, attending to a small cut on a worker's hand. Seeing the action, she hurried over to them. "Aadita will check him out, make sure he's OK." Jake volunteered her.

Jack and Dan Casement lowered the still-unconscious Dodge onto his bed. The door was open, and Aadita walked right in, Eric behind her.

"What are you doing in here?" Jack asked, the order to leave already evident in his tone.

"I can help him." Aadita moved forward.

Jack blocked her path. "No way I'm letting you do anything to him." He spat his words, his expression one of distaste as he looked her up and down. "The only person going near him is the doc."

Jack grabbed her by the arm and marched out of the room.

"Hey! Let go of her." Eric tried to push the man away from Aadita.

Jack released Aadita and, shadowed by his brother, stalked off in search of their official Hell on Wheels doctor.

"Come on." Aadita re-ascended the caboose stairs, motioning for Eric to come with her.

"What are you doing?" Eric asked in a harsh whisper despite no one else being around to overhear them. He gave a final look around before disappearing inside.

"And you're sure?" Reb asked, her arms crossed and a worried frown wrinkling her brow.

The group had all gathered opposite the main station that was being decorated for their impending visitors. Aadita had called their emergency meeting. The Casement brothers had returned with the doctor who agreed with everything Aadita had said, much to their chagrin.

Aadita nodded. "He's definitely got what appears to be the flu, a strain more severe than they're used to yet."

"So where did he get it from then?" Ryan asked.

"I don't-" Aadita began, only to be interrupted by a loud sneeze from Eric, "know," she finished.

Eric wiped his nose on his sleeve, pausing when he saw everyone's eyes on him. "Umm...bless me."

"It was you!" Ryan jabbed his finger at him. "You gave Dodge whatever it is you've got."

"I didn't mean to," Eric argued.

"The point is that he's got it now," Aadita said. She turned to Eric. "What do you know about Dodge's life?"

Eric cast his mind back to his early study of trains and American west history. "I know he was a General in the U.S. military and fought for the Union in the Civil War. I know he didn't die while working on the railroad, if that's what you mean."

DisPLACEd: The Iron HorseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora