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2 years later

Life had been great for me, after stepping down, I'd moved to the Bahamas, I don't know what made me want to come here but it was probably the best decision I could've ever made for myself .

I was putting the final touches on my dinner, Bash and his girlfriend was down here for vacation and they'd promised that they would stop by.

Running to the bathroom, I quickly showered and afterwards moisturized by body and hair, that I was now wearing in its natural curly state, it was a lot but I loved it wholeheartedly.

I dressed in a yellow bikini and a sheer white wrap around my waist, my hair falling down my shoulders in its wild state.

As I was putting the food on the table, there was a knock at the door. I skipped to the door, excited to see my friends .

"What's up y'all!" I yelled, happy to see them.

"What's up beautiful" Bash's girlfriend, Layla said.

"Hey lil sis" Bash said grabbing me into a hug and Layla doing the same.

They set at the table and as I began to close the door Bash called out to me

"Yo, I got a friend with me, I hope you don't mind, they're new here" He said , I shrugged my shoulders and turned to see how this person was.

I came face to face with her, although she looked different I knew those hazel eyes and deep dimples anywhere.



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