Chapter 18.|Bury Me

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      "India let me talk to you for a second" Teyonna said.

   I rolled my eyes upward as I looked at my sister, she was really beginning to bug me about this whole working with Egypt thing.  I'd been working with her for a  little over 3 months and I had developed a real crush on her

    "What you want Tee?" I asked not moving from my spot in my bed.

   "I want to talk to you about working with Egypt" she said as she closed my door.

     "What about it Tee, I'm tired of having this conversation with you. I'm eighteen years old, I'm grown and I  make my own decisions. You keep coming at me about me working with her. You want her to work but not me? It sounds like you have your own vendetta against her" I said getting angry.

   Egypt was a cool girl, kind of closed off and straight savage. She'd gotten into multiple arguments with Tee already and the poor girl has only been here for a couple of months. She almost came close to whooping my sisters ass a couple times too.

   "I don't like her ass. She too damn grown and she got one more time to get buck with me and I'm going to lay her ass down" Tee hyped as she set at the end of my bed.

   Before I could respond, my door was being slung open and Egypt was standing there with her hair in a ponytail and a deep scowled etched across her beautiful face.

   "Shorty, you trying fight?" She asked.

   I giggled a little as my sister looked at her with wide eyes.

     "Look you little bit-" Tee was cut off with Egypt's fist smashing into her mouth.

   I was now in full out laughter, my sister was holding her bloody mouth and Egypt looked as if she was ready to go into full attack mode.

   "You just going let her hit me?" Tee said looking over at me.

    "Huh? You a grown ass women. I ain't fighting your damn battles. But check it Egypt, can you spare her please, she not bout it and I don't want her to be crying to me all night about her face hurting" I said.

  "You got it beautiful" She said giving a lustful stare.

I felt my panties getting moist as she walked out of my room. Her ass sat perfectly in her sweats.

   "Ole dyke ass bitch" Tee mumbled under her breath. She was now nursing her lip with a rag.

    "That's why I want to work with her, she is a fucking savage" I said amped.

    "I don't want you working with her hot head ass. She could get y'all into a lot of trouble. Not only that but I think she likes you and that would be disgusting" she scoffed

   "Tee, get the fuck out my room, you coming up in her telling me what I can and cant do like you my mother. News flash bitch you not" I said getting angry all over again.

   "Don't forget I was the one who brought your little raggedy ass with me when I left daddy's house. " she said.

   "And don't forget that this ain't your house. oh and don't forget that I don't have to be here baby. I got money you the broke ass bitch begging your man for money every damn day. Now get the fuck out my room before somebody be pulling me off your scary ass" I said menacingly.

   "Whatever India, I'm trying to look out for you" She whined getting up.

    "Don't, I'm good now get out you made me miss my damn show" I said pointing towards the door.

   I know it may seem that I'm riding with Egypt and truth is, I was. I have a thing for her beautiful ass. Me and Tee weren't even real sister's she was my father's niece that he raised since she was a baby. I didn't have a problem with her until we moved her and she began to think that she controlled me. She wasn't my damn mother and I wished she would get that through her head.

  I began to watch my show and soon it was watching me.

   I was awoken by a faint knock on my door. I sat up and wiped the sleep from my eyes.

   "come in" I said

Egypt came through the door with a pizza box and 7/11 bags in her hand.

  "Yo bald head ass sister and my brother gone. Said they will be back tomorrow. I brought some pizza and snacks for us to have for the night. You don't mind if I chill with you right, beautiful?" she asked looking at me with those kind eyes.

   "Uh no not at all. I'm about to take a quick shower and then we can chill" I said before getting out the bed.

"damn" I heard her whisper.

I had completely forgotten that I only had on panties and a bralette. My body was on full display and I wasn't embarrassed about it.

I purposely put a little pep in my step as I hurried to the bathroom. I showered, and washed my hair. I grabbed my fluffy white towel and walked to my room. Egypt was no where in sight so I hurriedly lotioned down and put on the tightest shorts and camisole I could find.

  I wanted to get fucked tonight.

I sat on the bed and Egypt walked through the door, it looked as if she too had showered and wanted to get fucked. She wasn't even wearing pants. She panties and a camisole, her curly hair was pulled back by a head band.

  "So uhh, what do you want to watch" I asked nervously.

  "It don't matter, I would rather get to know you though" She said opening the pizza and grabbing a slice. I followed suit, taking a huge bite.

  "Well, I'm eighteen, my birthday is August twenty first. My favorite color is blue. I live here because my dad put Tee out and since I was tired of living under his rules I left with her."  I said

  "I'm also eighteen my birthday is the day after yours. My favorite color is purple. I live here because my parents put me out, said I was too disrespectful. I think you are so damn beautiful and to be completely honest I want to fuck you" she said with a calm face.

   My cheeks flushed a bright red color and before I knew it Egypt had climbed over everything and began to have her way with me. Let's just say it was a magical night.

   The next I woke up to someone standing over me.

"What the fuck! you had sex with that bitch?" Tee questioned me with a scowl on her face.

  I looked over and Egypt was laid across the bed with her titties on full display. I didn't want my sister seeing her goods so I pulled the covers up over her and looked at my sister with a look of pure hate.

  "Bitch, have you lost your fucking mind? I'm grown get that through your head! if you keep on, I'm going to whoop your ass" I yelled. I must've startled Egypt because she shot up.

 "What's going on?" She asked turning my head towards her so she could kiss my lips.

  " Are you really going to disrespect me like that you little dyke?" Tee exclaimed.

   Egypt chuckled but I could see her jaw flexing so I knew she was upset. "Handle your sister so I can get some more of that sweet shit" She said before laying back down.

  "Tell her to leave India, if you don't you are dead to me. I don't approve of this. I don't want you around this crazy gay ass hoe." Tee said.

 The back of my hand bounced off her cheek before I could stop myself. It was partially because I didn't like how she was disrespecting E and mostly because this was her third time telling me what she doesn't want me to do as if she was my keeper.

  "Well then bury me bitch" I said...

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