Chapter 11.|New Looks

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"Yoooo, Egypt." Bash yelled walking in through my office door, he playfully slouched down in one of the chairs. Today I wasn't in the mood for games, and neither was I yesterday or the day before that.

"What?" I asked annoyed, he kept staring at me and it was pissing me off. "Damn, who the fuck got you amped?" He questioned standing up I reclined in my chair closing my eyes.

"It's been 3 weeks now, she hasn't called. Juan's expecting his shit, my head is looking to be ripped clean off." I said putting my head down, I was a little nervous. "Are you serious? it's been that long?, I haven't noticed. Truth be told, I forgot about her ass." He said smirking

I honestly have no idea on what's going on. I don't know if she's caught up, dead, or just working slow. I do know this shit wasn't supposed to take this fucking long. "Look, I'm sure India is handling shit. We all came too far as a family to start fucking up now." Bash said. His positiveness was keeping me sane, atleast for now.

"Lets go get something to eat, I'm hungry and tired of looking at these damn walls." He fussed grabbing his keys, I laughed feeling a little relieved. I guess I was over thinking everything because, I miss her.

India stayed on my mind. I missed the sex and showers ,her kisses and laughter. Home hasn't felt like home since she left. I really needed her back. "You seen my cousin lately?" I asked as we got into Bash's car. ''Naw he been M.I.A" Bash said pulling off towards "Joys".

"Damn, where the fuck this nigga at?" I cursed. Bash and I talked for awhile until we got to the restaurant. Once at the restaurant, we were seated immediately. "Yo, so what you going do about Juan?" Bash asked. "Man, I'm going have to get a new connect like now!" I said stuffing a fry in my mouth.

"How?" He asked. "I don't know yet" I said shrugging. His constant questioning was annoying me. I looked over at the door to see a couple walking in. The couple was seated exactly across from us. When the women took off her hat my jaw hit the ground.

Here India was sitting up here with some clown ass nigga. It wasn't K either, I seen pictures of that nigga. This dude was a different dude and I knew him from somewhere, I just couldn't think of where exactly. "Bash do you see her?" I whispered harshly. "Yea man, who the fuck is that clown ass nigga?" Bash asked with a clenched jaw.

"I don't fucking know" I said sucking my teeth. India looked over at the table and her eyes became as big as golf balls. "Long time no see how you been?" I asked in a sinister voice. She never even said anything, she just got up and hurried out of the restaurant with tears streaming down her face.

I quickly jumped up running after her, "Aye India." I yelled grabbing her arm, she slowed down not looking at me. "What Egypt?" Her voice was quit raspy from, the crying she was trying to hide. "I mean like, wassup?" Even though she had been crying, she looked damn good.

Ass was still round, titties where full and plump. Her sexy ass plump pink lips, and those thick thighs i missed so much. God just staring at her had my mouth, and pussy watering. "Why you crying?" I asked confused and, concerned at the same time.

India dapped the corners of her eyes, trying not to smear her mascara. "Egypt, what are you doing here?" She asked still not looking at me. "That's not what I asked you." India did a damn good job, at ignoring things and acting completely unaware of everything.

"Look you can't be here, i can't be seen talking to you." She explained pulling from my grip, as bad as I wanted to let her go i had that urge. I reached out grabbing her waist pulling her back to me, kissing her passionately.

Our tongues danced, gliding across eachothers. For a moment there I forgot where I was at, holding India felt like the world. "India, i'm sorry i could say a million things right now. But sorry is the only one that fits, i'm sorry." If she wouldn't forgive me, i'd die right now.

"Please go, I gotta go." She said running off, I had no idea what was going on with her. India wasn't the run off type, she was the gangster out of us. "Well?" Bash asked. I took my seat back at our table, i lightly glanced over at the table India and her friend sat at unfortunately they where gone.

"E?" Bash yelled. "What nigga? and don't ever yell at me like that again, I will shoot yo ass in public." I hissed aiming my fingers at his skull. "Where she go? what she say? who's was that mark ass nigga?" Bash clutched his fork tighter.

"I don't  know man, she said she couldn't be seen with me."I said.

    India had me worried foreal, it's like it was a call for help. "That's crazy. All that time y'all was outside, you don't know shit." He spat shaking his head, "Yeah whatever, look I'm out." I dropped a couple bills and headed off down the block.

-That Night-

I made it home a little later then I expected, seems like tonight everyone needed me. My cellphone blew the fuck up, and I never intended on answering it. Instead I took a shower, stripping piece by piece from the door to my bathroom.

The hot water trickled all over my body, consuming my aching muscles and cloudy mind. Seeing India today left me all fucked up, the distance had finally grew on me. I was able to cope with her being there and me being here.

But seeing her once changed all of that, i closed my eyes shaking the lost feelings getting out. I put my Victoria secrets Very Red Body cream on, with my PINK boy short sleeping outfit.  I threw my hair into a high ponytail, and snuggled up on my couch.

*Knock Knock*

The light taps on my door broke my quick sleep, i got up looking in my peek hole. Nobody revealed themselves, so i grabbed my 9 from my wall cabinet and opened it slowly. India rushed me kissing me and hugging me, our bodies collapsed on the floor.

I don't know what was happening but, lord knows i wasn't finna stop it. We stripped each other briefly, still glued to eachother. I gained enough strength to pick India and I up off the floor, I sat on the couch with her on top of me. She made me gap my legs open a little then sat her pussy right on mine.

"Ahhhh!" I moaned as she started a slow grind, her pace went from fast to slow in a matter of seconds. I was cumming too quickly, my baby knew what she was doing.

- this chapter was short, please excuse the long comeback. It's just where both busy and have our own stories to tend to, i hope everyone enjoys this lil teaser. There should be another update soon, so be ready .

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