Chapter 7.|Confessions

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  "Yo Egypt, She good why you pacing the damn floor?" Santana laughed laying back on my couch. I looked at him with a sour face, flicking him off.

  "How you know she okay? Did she call or text you?" I asked. "No, I just know. India is definitely capable of handling herself " He said. I nodded my head and plopped down on my couch next to him.

  "You know something Egypt?" Santana asked."Yea I know a whole lot, why?" I said sarcastically. "Seriously though I don't trust Juelz,  I know that's yo blood but, that nigga give me bad vibes" He said seriously.

  "That's funny because India said that too. I know y'all got bad vibes but , until he crosses me I'm not tripping." I said. "I respect that Ma, what you got in here to eat? a nigga hungry" He said.

   "I got carry out papers, you buying? " I asked causing both of us to laugh. "Yea I guess, let's go" He said standing up. Usually I wouldn't look at Santana in a sexual way but this mother fucker was sexy as hell. We drove to "Cats soul food" in comfortable silence.

  After ordering out food and getting a couple of drinks we went back to my house. "So Santana, do you have a girlfriend?" I asked sipping my pink lemonade. "Why? Do you?" he asked, causing me to choke on my juice a bit. "You good ma?" he said patting my back.

  "Yea I'm good, what you mean by Do you?" I asked. He looked at me laughing a bit "I was just joking E, but to answer your question no I don't have a girlfriend" He said. I gave him the nigga you lying face, his ass was way to fine to be single. "Seriously nigga, you ain't got to lie" I said munching on the delicious chicken.

   "I'm not, why you asking? we don't usually talk about our personal lives" He said causing me to nervously laugh. "Seriously, fuck you got a wire on?" He said fake checking my body, but his hand accidentally touched my breast.  "Yo my bad, I didn't mean to do that" he said putting his hand up like he was surrendering.

I don't know what came over me but I grabbed his hand a placed back on top of my right breast. "Egypt man stop it" He said nervously laughing. I got up and pushed all the dishes off the table, causing a loud shatter."Fuck me Santana" I said hopping onto the table. "You sure about this?" He asked standing up taking off his shirt.

"Just shut up and fuck me" I said. He wasted no more time puling off my panties and also his pants and boxers. I looked at his hard organ, becoming soaking wet. "This is just a one time thing" I thought as I felt him giving me hard thrusts. Maybe it would have been smart to tell him to strap up but the way he was stroking it I didn't even care.

"Oh India baby yes!" I called out, which caused both of us to freeze. "Oh my gosh!" I yelped hopping off the table and slipping into my sweats "Did you just call me India?" Santana asked laughing. It was kind of awkward watching someone laugh who has a hard on. "I didn't mean to call you that" I said slipping into my panties. "So you and India do fuck around?" He asked pulling on his boxers.

I blew my breath and plopped down onto one of the chairs, making a mental note to clean up before India gets home. "We were, but she cheated on me with some random dude" I said shrugging like I didn't care but the tears were evident that did indeed care. "Well did she tell you why?" He asked flopping down next to me.

"Well yea, some bullshit about needing the real thing. I fuck her good!" I screamed, hot tears grazing my cheeks. "Well don't get so worked up about it ma, if y'all meant to be together y'all will. Now I know why you really wanted to fuck" Santana said with a sour face.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "Ma, you know damn well you used me just to get back at India. It's cool though I'm about to head out"He said standing up to retrieve his clothes.

"I wasn't using you Santana, I did want to have sex with you" I said. "But not until you found out about India, I'm out ma" He said walking out of the house. Okay maybe what he said was true, but why is he so damned mad?

I got out the cleaning supplies and proceeded to clean up. Afterwards I went straight to sleep, thinking about India. I was missing her like crazy. In the morning when I woke up, someone was dropping a beat on my door, making me mad.

"Why the fuck is you playing on my damn door?" I said swinging the door open to see a smiling juelz and a frowning Santana. "What's up cuz?" Juelz said laughing walking in. "Nothing why y'all here so early?" I asked, eying Santana.

"Did you talk to India?" Juelz asked. "No, she should be calling in about 20 minutes if she sticking with the plan" I said shrugging. "What's up Santana why you not speaking to my cousin?" Juelz asked. "Nigga mind your damned business.I ain't come here to play games, I want to know if she called. Since she didn't I'm out" Santana said with a attitude.

"Yo, you tripping " Juelz said, shaking his head. "He right, both of y'all can bounce" I said. I watched as the both left, but Juelz seemed a bit to eager if you ask me. I sat on the couch eating a bowl of cereal when my phone started ringing.

"Yo?" I answered. "You won't believe what I found out" India's voice said through the phone. "What? " I asked setting down the bowl.

"Everybody ain't loyal in our crew and it's your cousin" She said and with that she hung up.

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