Chapter 6.|Showtime

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The truth will set you free.

I fucked up I admit that shit, alright. If it was the other way around she would expect me to understand. Egypt was my everything, replacing her is for pussy's.

She was supposed to hear me out, not be a bitch about the situation. We live, shower, sleep an eat together you tell me who's the chosen one.

Egypt better get her fucking act together, I care but I'm not about to stress this bullshit tonight tho. K could possibly be here, and I gotta have my fucking head right.

"Yo can you pay fucking attention, the line is moving" Juelz snapped grabbing my arm. "Shut up" I said harshly snatching away. "If you fuck this up, Imma kill you myself" He gritted his teeth talking.

I laughed humorously, "Tuh, not if i kill you first" I replied sporadically, Juelz had his name written huge all over my shit list. "Feelings mutual" He recapped.

Ha this bitch think I care? "Iono why you even came, I can do this shit myself." I said rolling my eyes hard. "You can do this shit yourself" He laughed. "You always got that fucking mouth going huh?" He added.

I nodded my head in agreement, "Ex-Fuckin-actly" I said taking the next step further in line. "Ion see why, we been working together for a while." He said. " I don't fucking trust yo sloppy ass, you might have E fooled but muthafucka I'm not stupid." I said. Juelz was a sneaky ass muthafucka.


The bouncer shouted looking in my direction, the corners of his mouth begin to curve forming a slight smile. "Name and number" He said holding a small tablet, my head fell as I laughed. "Flattered but, i'm not interested." I spoke winking walking past him.

As soon as I got in, it was time to go to work. My eyes gradually scanned the place, i checked bars booths and corners. As good as I looked this muthafucka better be here.

Two of the main things i hated the most, to be stood up and slow ass people. Shit I'm on time, wasting my time and you running late. I don't have fucks to give every 10 secs, so whoever i deal with better be on time.

Wherever K was, he was doing one hell of job staying clear of my view. I sat at that bar almost 30 mins, on my second Audios. *Drink* If I sat any longer this alcohol wasn't gonna have me on my toes when time need be.

"This order is for the back top table, K wants his tab left open."

I over heard a lady say, instead of looking to see who said it i let my eyes drive in that area of details given. Two bodyguards stood hands crossed side by side, of course that was his table. He's the only nigga in here with bodyguards, well done for a beginner.

K was nowhere in site but, that waitress gave me conformation. I wasn't gonna just walk up there all willy nilly and shake hands. I decided i would strike attention too me, and that I was damn good at doing.

The dance floor was my scene, i swayed my hips to the music. I figured if K was gonna take his precious time, id get some kick outta this shit. "Damn ma, show me how you do it." A random guy said smiling getting behind me.

Dancing with him was good for what I came to do, it only took the us a few seconds before the crowd started roaring. Dude gradually stood behind me, my ass was completely in his lap.

A unfamiliar body approached the top rail looking down on us, i felt the eyes they where strong. Playing it off was easy, i smiled and continued dancing.

Before I knew it there was a light tap upon my shoulder, GAMETIME. "Excuse me miss." The bodyguard said properly. I tilted my head slightly to the side, letting my eyes speak for me.

"My boss would love if he could buy you a drink" He said. "If your boss wants to buy me a drink, he can come ask me." I said stepping off slowly.

Playing this game would be challenging, i had to play stuck up to wheel him in, stuck up shows no interest. Therefore he won't see his death coming, and it'll be easier to get in.

I took a seat at the bar on the end, taking my cell out my Versace clutch. Santana and E would be waiting on an update from me.

"Hello, beautiful" He started off, i froze in my chair. "I was wondering if you would do me the pleasure of joining me in my V.I.P section." He finished, i turned around slowly. I just knew our man was standing right behind me, it never took long to wheel a dog in.

Ass, tiddies and a pretty face was everyones weakness. Facing him was easy, he stood tall about 6'0, brown skin nice body structure and perfectly white teeth.

Goatee freshly lined, his hair was double tapered. He wore a custom purple suit from Tom Ford, i could tell because i shop there faithfully. I've never seen anything so.. so ugly, but on the contrary he was fine i admit.

"Depends." I said, "On?" He questioned. "What's in it for me?" I replied leaning back on the bar top, just because this was a set up ain't mean i would make it easy for him.

K laughed taking his glasses off, "It depends on my end to baby." He said, "Ahaha, excuse me." I spoke disgusted grabbing my clutch standing up, i walked past him sitting down on the couch by the strippers.

"It depends on my end" I mocked, the fuck he think this is?. I'm not the one tryna get a lift, i can buy and get my own damn drink and V.I.P section. "Is there a problem? you seem a lil-" I threw my hand up cutting him off.

"Is there a reason why your following me?" I asked, K took a seat in front of me. "Why wouldn't i?" He replied, "Answering my question with another question, really?" I rolled my eyes exhaling.

K laughed once again touching my hand, "Join me in my V.I.P i'll answer any question you have for me." I looked up at the second floor, "If it'll make you happy." I sneered getting up.

Approaching his section he had secluded, i realized why he chose this area. Up here was laid back, dark and not as loud as the spots on the floor. It was very roomy with a leather sectional couch, i took a seat on the very end.

The waitress stood behind the rope, "Can i get you a refill sir?" She asked politely. "Yeah, Amaretto Ciroc on rocks. And Champagne for the misses?" He asked looking at me. "Naa, i'll have Hennessy dry." I replied crossing my legs.

"I'll be right back." The waitress explained walking away, K took a seat next to me. "Hennessy dry?" He questioned, "Yep, problem?" I bellowed, "Haha naa, i just thought women liked softer drinks." He said.

"That's the difference between me and women, i'm a lady and like things hard. Plus Hennessy is very smooth, and it goes with my outfit." I implied, "Got that right." He agreed eyeing me, "What's your name?" He asked.

"Gianna (G-Aun-Nuh) but you can call me Gia" I lied, since i'm undercover i had to change a few things. "Gia.. i like that, it's different. So tell me where your from Gia, i've never seen you here before what brings you." He asked.

"Business, i'm from outta town. Had a lil extra time decided i'd stop by, see what this is all about." Finally the waiter came back with our drinks, the night had only begun.

He nodded his head taken a sip, placing his hand on my inner thigh. "Do you have a certain someone in your life Gia?" I smiled shaking my head, "Unfortunately no, im a free agent."

K smiled hard, "Maybe i can change that" I guess i gotta do what I have to do. Man E i thought, missing her was starting to hit me even harder now.

I was in love with her, having to lie about my relationship made our situation worse. E said there would be no more us and tonight just reminded me.

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